pretty weak video of a star slowly moving,,, as all stars do. if you want to see really weird flying objects just watch over Philadelphia's sky at
night. these things defy normal flight even for known military planes. i see them all the time but being that an air force field is right over in
Delaware i'm sure its are boys in there. it doesn't phase any one when i point them out. everyone always refers to that military base which is why
i never record them since i moved near philly. but i sure wouldn't sit there and record a star. actually wait yes i would... if i was totally drunk
and just watched independence day.
MrR where are you seeing these things. When I watch the skies at night I'm looking South toward Delaware I can see somewhat East and West.
I have seen things in the past over Philly so maybe I need to turn around I haven't seen to much lately.
When ever you see something take a picture I always watch the skies.
I am assuming you are looking East past the airport toward Jersey?