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Reining In an Out-of-Control Executive

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posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 12:32 PM
King George is alive and well. Will the neo-monarchy survive?

Reining In an Out-of-Control Executive
by Prof. Marjorie Cohn
Global Research, July 16, 2007

Our Founding Fathers created three separate but co-equal branches of government to check and balance each other so no one branch would become all powerful. Indeed, James Madison wrote in the Federalist Papers, "The preservation of liberty requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct." Madison warned, "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary in the same hands ... may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." The American colonists were reacting against a police state.

More than 200 years later, we have another King George.

Full article at

Now here's the rub. It's all about PRESIDENT Cheney!

The Cheney Affair
By Ted Lang
Exclusive to

Now that mainstream media bias is an established fact and recognized as such by the mainstream reading and viewing public, the revelation of Vice President Dick Cheney's total unilateral control over all levels and branches of American government has not only raised eyebrows and concerns of dictatorship, but for those politically astute, begs the question as to why theWashington Post would be the journalistic vehicle to publish the four-part June 24 through June 27 series exposing this reality.

Full article at

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 06:41 PM
because satan, who is bush, because he opened his stargate in his head, to the spirit of evil, is now excersizing authority, on behalf of the dragon, and the first beast..his dad. Its true. GO to and see for yourself. Pyramids, hexagons, octagons, circles, upside-down mushrooms hidden in military seals and government satanistic images in sublime places. All real. All trademarks of his plan to ruin humanity, Awaz in man, pan, lucifer. the possessed man in GWB, odd thing is, this makes chavez right for the first time in his life, and the only time. Because hes just a much of a dictator as any other leader of our day, paid for by the "families of blood" (metaphorical Dr.who reference for resource controlling manipulating satanist materialist slave-driving theives).


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