posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Lexion
Here's a hologram Tutorial.
Man, I wish the internet was around when I
was in school...
Ow! Ok, saradowson, Lexion is usually pretty accurate but this link is an example to what a hologram is NOT.
A hologram involves reconstruction of an image from a record of interference fringes produced by a source of coherent light, typically a laser.
What a hologram ISN'T, is anything you saw on Star Wars, Star Trek or, as in the case of this link, anything whatsoever that an art or marketing
department thinks a hologram is. In this example, some "artsy" guy is conflating chromakeying/green/blue screen techniques with holograms. Because
to an artsy sort of person, any, ANY unusual visual effect is a "hologram". Thus do you get advertising wonks calling any transparent flat screen,
fog projector, Pepper's Ghost or 3D image a "hologram". Typically they are not.
This may prove difficult to sort out, as many marketing dweebs seriously DO NOT KNOW what a hologram is, and thus present very sincere claims. As an
Musion's marketing department seem convinced that they actually sell a
holographic display, when in truth it's nothing more than some transparent projection film and a Pepper's Ghost trick. This, unfortunately, seems
mainly to be due to George Lucas calling that effect in Star Wars a "hologram", when in fact he had no clue what one was, past something he saw at
Disneyland on the Haunted Mansion ride.
So now, you have idiots who think if you can walk behind a piece of Saran Wrap that has an image on it thrown by a projector you can pick up at Office
Depot, that qualifies your effect system to be a hologram.