posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 12:42 PM
he semi-autonomous northern Iraqi district Kurdistan is heating up as both Iran and Turkey attacked several border towns with artillery fire
over the weekend. Various reports also indicate that Iran has amassed troops along its border with Kurdistan, as has Turkey.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
This is the only link I have to this, as such, I am not 100% sure if it is true or not.
If anyone else has any likes to confirm or deny this, please post.
That aside, what do you think, would Turkey, much less Iran Militarily attack part of Iraq????
Would that not play completely into Bush's need/want to attack Iran????
Are they trying to goad Bush into firing first???
It is my opinion that whom ever is seen as firing the "opening shot" in what I see as the inevitable fight between US+/Iran+ would lose that battle
of the world opinion-Yes, I know some would blame the US+ no matter what, but that aside.
BTW, I acknowledge that there is currently no recognized Kurdistan state/country
[edit on 7/16/2007 by mrmonsoon]