I wrote about this in another thread but I think it deserves a separate discussion.
The outer column are the one that according to the OCT gave up first but you can clearly see that the first part of the tower to give up is actually
the rooftop right at the center where the antenna was placed.
This suggests that the inner columns are the one that gave up first.
is it just me or does it look like that core just turns to dust right before my eyes how is that possible I still think whatever took that core out
was very exotic indeed .
If the middle core gave way first like your "proof" suggests, then the top 80 floors wouldn't experience the pancake collapse. But in the video,
the top stays intact, tips to the left then just turns into dust. why?
But when the tower collapses at the end you can see the steel exposed crashing down almost looks like its vaporizing and not just the spiral at the
end but just before the final beams come down .