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the "or maybe god's causing a debate" argument

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posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 05:27 AM
there's a minor argument that i've seen coming from the creationist side that really baffles me. i actually just saw it in a recent reply to a thread about vestiges. i've also heard that about dino bones being placed there to "test our faith" and, depending on who you ask, it's either the devil or god... but i'm only addressing the latter here.

is it just me, or does that entire argument essentially translate to "or maybe god is a prick"?

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 09:26 AM
I don't know about that, MIMS. What I get from arguments like that is that the person producing the argument has no knowledge of scientific inquiry, doesn't get evolution, and more importantly doesn't WANT to get evolution because that would squeeze the god of the gaps too tightly for his omnipresence to be able to stand.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
there's a minor argument that i've seen coming from the creationist side that really baffles me. i actually just saw it in a recent reply to a thread about vestiges. i've also heard that about dino bones being placed there to "test our faith" and, depending on who you ask, it's either the devil or god... but i'm only addressing the latter here.

is it just me, or does that entire argument essentially translate to "or maybe god is a prick"?

I don't think you need to use that kind of talk to get your point across madness but i do wonder what sort of drugs these people are on sometimes. Evolution/God, both work for me.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 11:32 AM
Well I would say, as a creationist, that that creationist saying God put dinosaur bones there to be a prick is a mron.

Man walked with dinosaurs, there are probably still dniosaurs with us today. Those fossils are found with artifacts that prove they were here with man in many places. No one knows the Age of the Earth as a fact, everyone guesses at it, and there is no educated guesses.

So please whenever you see someone saying God did it to be a prick know that that is a CRAP answer and most assuredly not true.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 11:36 AM
You actually believe man walked with the dinosaurs?
You're joking, right?

I would love to see your evidence. Do you have any links? I could use an amusing diversion today.

Nothing personal, that's just one of the silliest things I've heard on this board yet, and I can't believe that anyone other than children who haven't had a lot of formal education yet would even think such a thing.

If you have evidence please share it.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 11:47 AM
Yes I believe it, all the evidence shows it as a fact, but moreover most evidence proves that some still exist. if your really nterested check this out.

Dinosaurs and Man together

Click on the bottom link to the section Dinosaurs in the Bible, it s the high speed version, and watch it. Most don't watch it because of the implications, and the thought of knowing how lied to you have been.

There is FOSSIL evidence of man and dinosaurs together, there is also 100,000's of eyewitness accounts of sightings of dinosaurs. We also have the folklore that pretty much most people agree now that folklore more often than not has a lot of truth in it.

Remember that the word dinosaur was not a word until the 1800's, so what were they called prior to that???

There is much artifact evidence of men and dinosaurs also, evidence that proves either one of two things... Dinosaurs didn't go extinct 65 million years ago and some survived all the suppossed extinctions or the Bible is correct...

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 11:52 AM
Using the Bible to prove the Bible proves nothing.

All empirical evidence shows the dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago. Our earliest hominid ancestors started up anywhere between 3 and 4 million years ago. That's 61 million years difference.

What did they call dinosaurs before the word was invented? Nothing. They didn't know there were such things as dinosaurs. They called them "dragons" and "giants" and other nonsensical things that uneducated people still try to use today.

Thanks for the laugh. That's the best one I've had all week.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
Using the Bible to prove the Bible proves nothing.

All empirical evidence shows the dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.

First of all as I suspected you wouldn't watch it, FEAR most likely but whatever the reason thank you for showing your unwillingness to see different viewpoints. And in FACT the video covers 2 hours OF SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE from ARCHEOLOGY not the Bible. It does show that the Bible talked about them in a few places but it uses the EMPIRRICAL EVIDENCE that dinosaurs walked with man.

There is NO empiracle evidence that the earth was here 65 million years ago, so your assertion is either Ignorance or Lies nothing more. I am glad you got a laugh though, since your not interested in anything you should at elast enjoy yourself.

Some are WILLINGLY IGNORANT, that means stupid on purpose...

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 12:09 PM
I know that a few fish and croc's were around with the dinosaurs but are you saying that the more common ones have been sighted, like T Rex and other huge animals.
Thats it, my camping trips off next week

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal

There is NO empiracle evidence that the earth was here 65 million years ago, so your assertion is either Ignorance or Lies nothing more. I am glad you got a laugh though, since your not interested in anything you should at elast enjoy yourself.

Yes, there is. There is actually empiric (please observe spelling) evidence that our planet has been here roughly 4 billion years.

Some are WILLINGLY IGNORANT, that means stupid on purpose...

I am supposing you were writing that sentence while gazing upon yourself in a mirror.

Tell the Sleestaks I said hello.

[edit to add] There are some people so uneducated as to not even be worth arguing with. I'll keep that in mind when I see posts of yours in future.

[edit on 15-7-2007 by MajorMalfunction]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 03:31 PM
theindependentjournal I find your responses to majormalfunction illogical. you are standing upon psuedo-scientific nonsense. You attack majormalfunction for not watching a video. she never said she didn't. While preparing my response I was hoping that you would be basing most of your stand on dr dino, and guess what you did. The reason I say this is that he has already been exposed as a fraud, mail order college "doctor" and blatant tax evader. He goes around spouting dribble to unsuspecting good hearted people who don't "for the most part" have the academic training to refute him. He does this all in a setting where there is no debate, ie church settings. IVE WATCHED HIS DRIBBLE. IVE LISTENED TO HIS NONSENSE. I LISTENED TO IT WHILE I WAS IN GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Then I was told I by my friends that I was wrong and couldn't be a real christian if I didn't believe my ancestors ran around with Barney. I knew it was dribble then and I know it is dribble now. Dr. Kent Hovind. Whoopady friggin doooo! Why do you think logically minded people don't embrace fundamentalism? For the same reason that Johannes Kepler wasn't a Catholic missionary. I hope it doesn't take fundamentalist denominations as long to drop this issue as it has taken the Catholic Church to dismiss its geocentric view of the universe.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 11:32 PM
Not from Dr. Dino. Research done by Ken Ham and associates.

Human and dinosaur footprints in Turkmenistan

If humans and dinosaurs lived together, why don’t we find human fossils with dinosaur fossils?

A living dinosaur?

Dino Q and A from a creationist standpoint

Also, a list of other creationist scientists out of thousands, and why you don't hear about them, or read about them in the main stream journals.

Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation

Do creation scientists publish in secular journals?

Using a simple statistical approach, I would conservatively estimate that in the United States alone, there are around 10,000 practising professional scientists who openly believe in six-day recent creation.

Contemporary suppression of the theistic worldview

Most scientists are only dimly aware of the various “anti-science” systems of belief now widespread [including] … politically dangerous movements such as creationism … have been heaped with scorn and ridicule. Evolutionists dominated the field so securely that creationists were fired, denied tenure and denied advanced degrees with impunity in public schools and universities.

He also stresses that it is the university’s responsibility to terminate creationists and rescind their degrees, advocating that even students with excellent grades who produce highly regarded work should be denied their degree and expelled from the university if it is discovered that they are a creationist!

The above quotes now bring on a very interesting question. Have we all been brainwashed in public school from elementary through highschool to believe in evolution without question? Have we been trained to throw out anything and everything that contridicts the evoluationary theory that has been taught as hard core fact? Evolution has never been proven to be a fact. It still remains a theory.

Eventhough evolutionists throw out all creationist ideas, creationists haven't thrown out all evoluatinary theories. Even Ken Ham believes in micro evolution, and demonstrates very clearly why he believes it. It is the macro evolution that he doesn't believe.

Micro evolution - species have adapted to live in their environment.
Macro evolution - one species can develop into a completely different species. Ex: A land dwelling dionsaur (one kind of species) developed into a bird (a completely different species); a man developing from an ape

Here is something to really think about. What if evolutionists are completely wrong and humans didn't develop from apes, neanderthalls, or ameba in pond scum millions of years ago? What if they actually lied to us all these years making us believe that lie? If it has all been a lie, then what is the truth?

[edit on 15-7-2007 by Mystery_Lady]

[edit on 15-7-2007 by Mystery_Lady]

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 02:47 AM
To the above poster:
Do note that a few of those links do not talk of "HUMANS WALKING WITH DINOSAURS" they're talking about.

"Why don't we need to see human fossils? (Rotting corpses bla bla bla)"
"Footprints resembling human footprints found!"
However, for the latter, I read in that article that the people THEMSELVES say that they're not certain who those footprints belong to.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady

Here is something to really think about. What if evolutionists are completely wrong and humans didn't develop from apes, neanderthalls, or ameba in pond scum millions of years ago? What if they actually lied to us all these years making us believe that lie? If it has all been a lie, then what is the truth?

[edit on 15-7-2007 by Mystery_Lady]

[edit on 15-7-2007 by Mystery_Lady]

Here's something else to think about. Creationists have been around a lot longer than scientists. What if they actually lied to us all these years making us believe a multitude of lies? If it has all been a lie, then what is the truth?

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:51 PM
theindependentjournal, you linked to a website that has a whole subsection devoted to kent hovind...
that just goes to show the crediblity, so you can't blame MM for not looking at any of it.
the only thing i'm afraid of is committing another headdesk on my keyboard after seeing something insanely ignorant and knocking out a few more keys like i did last time i saw a kent hovind video (backspace and the slash below it if you were wondering). i saw a whole segment of his and would have given myself a severe concussion if i had hit my head against my desk every time he said something stupid or ignorant.

in case you wanted me to point out his stupidity...

i'm not afraid of the truth, i just like to deny the ignorance.

edit to add: and Mystery_Lady, ken ham isn't that much better in terms of science

[edit on 7/23/07 by madnessinmysoul]

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