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There is a species of sasquatch

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posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:01 PM
There must be a species of sasquatch. There have been so many sightings across the united states and there is no way that bigfoot was inspired by forrest gump. This would lead me to believe that there must be some sort of species. and all the footage/evidence of bigfoot is simmilar. so unless anyone has a another theory that makes more sense i will stick to this one

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 04:37 PM
Well there was a specie of ''sasquatch'' name Gigantopithecus (giant ape)
Some kind of large bipedal gorilla that some claim is the ancestor of today ''sasquatch''
But this giant fellow goes instinct some 100 000 years ago acording to wikipedia.
Scientist have found bones and fossil of them...while our ''new'' Sasquatch seems Boneless.
What are the odd of finding multiple 100 000 years old bone of a giant ape and none of today giant ape?

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Jigore
What are the odd of finding multiple 100 000 years old bone of a giant ape and none of today giant ape?

What are the odds of finding dinosaur fossils all over the place and not one of modern day reptiles\amphibians\birds\mammals etc.? It takes time to fossilize. Plus, who's looking for sasquatch fossils?

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 06:05 PM
oooooh, cool, another Bigfoot thread for me to post on. *Rapture*

Assuming for the moment that Sasquatch is a real, living, breathing creature that is related to man, however distantly. Intelligence is a given, intelligence means the ability to learn, to evolve, etc... Neanderthal man, an offshoot of modern man was undeniably intelligent, cared for the sick, buried his dead, mourned them. Whose to say the, admittedly more primitive, Gigantopithicus Bosai doesn't/didn't do the same? No one really knows how intelligent it was, or wasn't. If they care for their wounded, sick members its possible that they bury their dead to protect them from scavengers, coyotes, bears, etc...

As for it being "new"? Native legends of Sasquatch go back thousands of years, cave painting depicting what might be Sasquatch have been found in several places, there's even a thread about one such place here on ATS somewheres.

That something is out there in the deep woods, and not-so deep woods is almost beyond dispute, too many people of impeccable character have seen the big fella. They ain't all making it up...

Skepticism is warrented, IMHO. Outright denial is something else altogether.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 07:50 PM
I was a hunter for many years, and grew up taking treks into the deep bush of Northern Ontario. I've seen bull moose with very large racks run full speed through treed areas that I couldn't get through without a chain saw. I've seen large black bears vanish without a trace. A friend and I found the skulls of two white tail deer that had locked antlers and died near Claybank, Saskatchewan, but no skeleton for either of them. I've even seen a prairie wolf out there.
But I have yet to come across the bones of any of these animals. And I still don't know how those bears did it. The idea that a large animal could exist in the wild areas of the Rocky Mountains and not be well known doesn't come as a surprise. I've been in them, and you can hear a man long before you can see them. In the recent past, they hunted a man for months before he was caught. And that was do to his arrogance and hunger for media attention. If a man could do it, an animal who is leary of man would have no problem.
People live with deer and racoons in their back yard every night and never see them, except for the odd track. Black bears can live on the edge of a town for months or years before they decide to come in for a easy meal. Even cougars have been known to live on the fringe of a settled area, with no evidence of their existance except the odd fleeting sighting. And still there are no leavings or hard evidence. Using the criteria of the skeptic, there is no proof of large wildlife populations and cougar sightings are the product of fevered imagination.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by PwN3d
and there is no way that bigfoot was inspired by forrest gump..


Not quite sure what you mean by this statement...can you please clarify?

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 05:29 PM

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 06:24 PM
I've told the story here many times, I was driving down the highway one night and saw one with my own eyes. I was alone and can't prove it. I don't even feel the need to prove it. I saw what I saw and it was a Bigfoot. Thats enough for me.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by Jigore
Well there was a specie of ''sasquatch'' name Gigantopithecus (giant ape)
Some kind of large bipedal gorilla that some claim is the ancestor of today ''sasquatch''
But this giant fellow goes instinct some 100 000 years ago acording to wikipedia.
Scientist have found bones and fossil of them...while our ''new'' Sasquatch seems Boneless.
What are the odd of finding multiple 100 000 years old bone of a giant ape and none of today giant ape?

I think wikipedia is wrong because I remeber watching a show on the creature and paleontologists finding its bones on the land that use to connect Russia and Alaska. the bones were dated to be the same age as the human tools found in the area. I may be wrong on this, my memory aint the greatest.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 10:01 AM

I applaud your post as I have also hunted in the deep wilderness before. Seems there is a basis for those fairy tales because I have been privy to some strange things back in there. Things that make your hairs stand up. Sounds and corner eye stuff that make you jump out of your boots. I've been followed by packs of wild dogs that would stay just out of my sight all day but would always let me know they were on me.

The only big game skeleton I ever saw were on the indian reservation in NY State and that's because they would shoot the deer, take the back strap and leave them by the logging road to rot. Because of the human scent all over the carcass scavengers would often not touch it for weeks.

I have never come across any carcass back in where the roads don't go.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 01:02 AM
Hey DireWolf, Im also in Vernon. Ive spent a great deal of time in the woods around town and pretty much all around the province as well. Im planning on going back out in a couple of weeks, who knows, maybe ill get something on tape. Would you be intrested in joining me?

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 03:59 AM
i dont understand the quickness with which the hardline skeptics will claim they must have seen a bear, or a moose or something.
Most people are quite familiar with bears, from tv, the zoo, books, movies etc. If they were to see a large dark animal in the woods and possibly standing on two legs Bear would probably be the first thought of most people.

But do the skeptics really think that people are so quick to mis-label a bear as a bigfoot.
Most people who have seen one of these creatures never believed in them until they saw one, and many many people never tell or wait to tell for many years for fear of ridicule and loss of reputation.

There is something in the woods, i have seen it. i have heard it and i have felt it when my hair stands on end and for no discernible reason i feel the need to get out now, to run, to panic.
I have seen the dog who will not back down to anything besides a firework hit the ground whining like a puppy and peeing all over herself, a dog with terror and panic in her eyes, over what i though was a bard owl, followed by a series of tree knocks.
i know what i saw, and those who have seen it as well know what they have seen, that is good enough for me.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Blade The Hunter

Man, I would love too. But I'm afraid that my hiking days are at an end. I got all gimped up falling off an aircraft I was servicing and can't do the back woods thing any more.
If you see anything and get some footage, I'd love to see it. Send me a U2U if you get anything.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 06:11 AM
That sucks Direwolf, sorry to hear that. Yeah, if I get anything ill definately let you know.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 04:21 PM
There is a chance that if they are inteligent, that they are smart enough to prevent overpopulation, and keep their numbers low. Not something man has been able to do.
I cant say I have ever seen a Bigfoot, but I did have an experience in the woods that was pretty scary, and I was not alone. It was 1979 I was 13, accompanied by my 2 cousins 13 and 11. Obviously we were not experienced woodsmen, but to this day I remember.
We were walking through a section of woods in north western Pennsylvania. The surroundings were all cottages in the middle of a huge woods, that people from larger, nieghboring towns came to seasonally for camping, motor cross, snow mobile riding, hunting and fishing. We were just checking out my uncle's cabing getting it ready for the upcomming summer. It was the end of April so not many people were in their cabins yet so we set out for a walk. About a half mile down the trail we saw a creek about 100 yards away and decided to check it out when all of the sudden a tree that was bigger around than the three of us came slamming to the ground about 20 yards in front of us. The tree was standing on the edge of the path and then SLAM to the ground. I had see trees fall before and this tree wasnt falling it was being knocked down. We never looked back and hauled butt. We didnt tell the adults because they would have just laughed at us. But to this day I remember the eerie feeling.

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