Michael Moore is living proof why the health care system cost says former Arkansas Governor, here is the article. What do all of you think about these
comments, are they valid or not?
The former Arkansas governor told reporters in a conference call Wednesday that he hasn't seen and probably won't see the Flint, Mich.
native's documentary "Sicko," which calls for an overhaul of America's health care system.
"Frankly, Michael Moore is an example of why the health care system costs so much in this country. He clearly is one of the reasons that we have a
very expensive system.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Moore has actually come out to admit that he has a weight problem that is unacceptable and has vowed to lose weight and get healthy...he said that in
the research for this movie he realized he was being a bit of a hypocrite. I'm really not a fan of him but must commend him for admitting that and
taking steps to get healthy.