posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 04:36 AM
It's a powerful, well-made video that dismantles the Guiliani/9-11 hero myth with a sledge hammer. The ex-mayor has made exactly the wrong
enemies--the FDNY--if he is trying to use 9/11 to get to the Oval Office.
The point made about the monumental stupidity of his decision to build the NYC-EMC in WTC 7 was very important. Putting your anti-terrorist HQ on the
site of the worst terrorist attack in the city's history, and about the first on everyone's list of possible terrorism targets in NYC or the entire
country, for that matter, shows that the decision was motivated not by basic logic but by something else. The guy's not stupid by any means, other
factors overrode common sense.
I'd love to learn more about the decision-making process there. Whether it was simply a sleazy financial deal that short-circuited the input of the
city bureaucracy, like with the FDNY radio scandal, or chosen with someone in a position of influence having foreknowledge of the 9/11 plot and
manipulating the process to ensure it ended up in WTC 7, we'll never know.
[edit on 12-7-2007 by gottago]