posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 07:21 AM
I'm sick of it, and theres an awful lot of it appearing on ATS, which is supposed to be about Denying Ignorance.
There seem to be more and more posters here who have more in common with Joseph Goebbels than anyone else. Their sole mission appears to be to promote
a one-sided, disrespectful, dehumanising viewpoint.
Their posts come either from ignorance or hatred. Its almost blind to humanity. Its bigoted vile rubbish and it needs to be checked whereever it
It reminds me of texts from 1930's Germany that dehumanised the Jews.
I have nothing against factual reporting, that can be traced back to multiple sources.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, thats for sure, but what appears to be happening here almost on a daily basis is one or two posts that seem to
promote racial hatred and I thought/hoped that posters to ATS were above that?
And let me make my own views clear. There are scumbags on all sides of an idealogical war, and in the middle are people. Normal people. Those people,
regardless of their colour, creed and religious beliefs are not responsible for the actions of the scumbags.
And belonging to a particular colour, race, creed or religion does not automatically tar you with the same brush as scumbags that come from
your particular walk of life - because if that was true we'd all be murdering bastards, and quite plainly we aren't.
There is a difference between being overtly politically correct and displaying a respect for your fellow man. At the same time there is a
difference between disagreement with a particular issue and plain outright hate for the sake of it.
Ghandi said "be the change you wish to see in the world"
It appears that some people here, rather than wanting a world of tolerance, understanding, knowledge and peace (and denied ignorance) are quite happy
to foster the opposite.