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Originally posted by curiousbeliever
You know I've felt that way sometimes myself. I don't really consider myself very religious and I don't know if there is or is not a god.
Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
So maybe as a whole the human race is meant to advance so far scientifically and spiritually that one day we create our own big bang of sorts and create our own universe/god.
Given the infinite possible variations of choice since the first thought existed, i dare say there exists a possible scenario where the Universe is endless. i base this hypothesis on the logic that since we exist now and we think, something thought us into existence or else we wouldnt exist. now i say thought because everything that exists has to first be conceived. you can argue semantics but let be honest here if a tree falls in the forest and there is nothing to observe it then that means there is no tree and no Forrest, and then of course something that doesnt exist cannot make a sound or fall for that matter. for all intents and purpose light is invisible its only visible when it reflects off something. so all we see are echoes of matter not the actual substance.
so lets say thought is what began creation. who or what thought it into existence? what thought IT into existence? if the universe is fractal and in a manner that is not only self replicating but also evolving and not only in 4 or 9 dimensions but in every dimension in every way. granted this all pure speculation but as a thought exercise lets just run with it for a minute. so we are talking about a figure of magnification that is so beyond any human understanding its boggles the mind (mine anyway). i say magnification because as the possible realities grow they spawn even more infinite realities and so forth.
let me just state that i think most of our physical understanding of the universe might be wrong. simply put, any theories that have that many paradoxes and contradictions has to have some flaws if not completely. i say this beacuse according to predicted models the universe should be slowing down instead its speeding up. that means an influx of energy. where is this new energy coming from? i thought science agreed that energy cant be created it can only change form. seems like the universe doesnt care too much for human science
Anyway my point is we know nothing and to simply say oh look its 2009 and we know everything there is to know so if our predicted models dont match the observations there must be something wrong with the observation. now THAT is bad science. so back to the fractal universe why do i think its eternal? because im at my computer typing this post. if it wasnt, the moment the universe ended everything would end not just now but eternally. time is a construct of this universe and mainly of our observable reality. some say its a figment our minds. so if the universe ever ended it means there is no universe to observe with no universe there is no time if there is no time and no universe then who or what is typing this post? so based on that hypothesis i surmise that once it was brought into existence it has always exited, and thus eternal. Now comes the hard part to explain. if you buy into the fractal nature of the universe going forward and backwards in time and space eternally, given all the possible permutations and combination's i would say every possible action and thought would play itself out to a point where at some stage of the game something or someone loops back in time or our limited human understanding of it anyway and starts the cycle all over again.
Originally posted by yuefo
But the atheist assumes that we can't understand why the universe exists in the first place because we simply don't have enough information.