I thought this was an interesting story. I guess my main confusion is that during court she was wearing a full-face covering (not to sure if the term
is Hajib), but when she was outside she is shown not wearing it only the head scarve. The 'outside picture can be found here:
(I am so sorry about providing a link to drudge, but I do not know how to post the picture, if a mod or someone can post the picture I'll edit this
to remove the drudge link.) (mod edit to insert image)
Why would she wear a full head piece and then walk around outside without it? Would that be against Islamic law (radical? or normal?)
When i did jury service at the old bailey, someone started to knit something during the trial while on the jury. can you imagine that a case could be
so important for a person and a person either does something like i saw or in your article.