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North East Texas (Richland Chambers Creek) A Large Burning Object Calls To Radio Station

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posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 08:27 AM
I just saw this from rense UFO reports. It seemed worth making a post about.

North East Texas (Richland Chambers Creek) A Large Burning Object
Calls To Radio Station

Date: June 20, 2007

Time: 10:00 - 11:00 p.m.

HBCC UFO Research Note: I would like to request that if anyone else witnessed this sighting event, would they please write up a detailed report and send it into the HBCC UFO Research website so maybe we can find an answer for what took place.

Location of Sighting: North east Texas.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Large burning.

Full Description of event/sighting: A large burning object the size of a building flying and appearing to be crashing in the Richland Chambers Creek area. I was en route per work and listening to local talk radio in which lines were abuzz about hundreds of witnesses asking about the flying object. They called FTA (I think it's called) and they were told to say "No Comment" in which they did and the incident, no further comments were made about the subject and was hush hushed. No reports of any kind in local papers whatsoever.


admin edit: PLEASE review the Terms and Conditions for how to properly post content from other sites.

[edit on 7-10-2007 by Springer]

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 09:49 AM
FTA? FAA possibly?

It sounds like a meteor, but we need lots more information than what is given there. For example, how did the witness know it was the size of a house?

It sure would be cool to find some meteorite fragments, and if I lived in that area I'd combing the impact site. Fresh, uncontaminated meteorites can be scientifically important.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 09:53 AM
Sounds like a big ass meteor to me as well, I wonder if there's any bits left over.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 09:54 AM
A meteor the size of a house would make one heck of an impact crater, wouldn't it?

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 11:20 AM

I was en route per work and listening to local talk radio in which lines were abuzz about hundreds of witnesses asking about the flying object. They called FTA (I think it's called) and they were told to say "No Comment" in which they did and the incident, no further comments were made about the subject and was hush hushed. No reports of any kind in local papers whatsoever.


This part seems really weird to me. Who is the "they" that called the "FTA" (FAA I'm guessing). The "hundreds of witnesses"? Who were "told to say 'no comment' "? The radio station? How does he know this? Huh? It was "hush-hushed" by WHOM?

I'm not totally discounting the original source, but really, if you want a UFO report to be taken seriously you don't end it with something like the quote above. It make all kinds of claims without even explaining them...

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by wildone106
Sounds like a big ass meteor to me as well, I wonder if there's any bits left over.

A meteor the size of a house would flatten New York City. So yeah.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle
A meteor the size of a house would make one heck of an impact crater, wouldn't it?

Yes - one more reason to doubt the size estimate.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 12:53 PM
Too many vagueries here... If "hundreds" of witnesses saw this, this would probably make at least a mention on national news. Secondly, who said "No comment" the radio station or the witnesses? It would seem to me that it would take an exhorbitant amount of time to "get to" the witnesses and hush them up. Finally, a meteor the size of a house would be felt for hundreds of miles around upon impact and explode with a several kiloton force (nuclear weapon type of explosion). So, um, not really likely in my opinion.

Now a smaller meteorite - yeah, I guess so.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:01 PM
As the all powerfull lord Xenu or zenu or xzenu said WHAAA WHA WHA WHA...


posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:32 PM
I saw something similar abut 20 years ago over Seattle. My sighting was maybe half a second long and shared by my family. There were a great many witnesses and it did make the paper. The object was bluish-green and traveled through the sky from my vantage point north to south. I was a few miles west of Seattle at the time. A lot of people tried to triangulate the object from the different accounts.

The sighting itself WAS way larger than a house, but this was the flame surrounding the object itself, which had to have been much smaller. I surmise it was either space junk or a meteor. I mention this because this may be where the size discrepency is. People were NOT viewing the object itself, but the trail of flame it was leaving as it burned up in the atmosphere. Just like a comet: small snowball, big tail.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:41 PM
I get sucked into some of these stories by the heading that is posted. Now I grant you that some people here do not use English as a first language, and some are just typing away without thinking.

But really, the tittle suggests that the fireball called the radio station.

Either I see humor where none exists, or there is a conspiracy to make me laugh myself to death.

I love this place.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
But really, the tittle suggests that the fireball called the radio station.

That's actually why I clicked on this thread too...

If a large fireball made a phone call to a radio station it would be a HUGE story!

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by The Little Penguin
If a large fireball made a phone call to a radio station it would be a HUGE story!

But the message would be obvious, "Heeellllpppp! I'm going to cr..."

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