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Originally posted by Long Lance
when i posted the link less than two weeks ago it was still very current, only aftet it had gotten too many views was it removed. i've seen it dozens of times and i wonder why the web archive iss till up tbh.
originally posted at
btw. what does amount to 'current' anyway? 2002 (like the article in question), 2003 or only past 2006..? 07/2007 maybe?
my advice is to get real and stop dissing NASA for not properly removing incriminating information. my poits still stand as long as all you have is FUD. if large portions of the Antarctic buck the trend, you'll have to acknowledge it, refute it - or be accused of intellectual dishonesty.
btw, you're dismissing Newscientist, The Times and NASA, all at the same time. rest assured i will keep this thread bookmarked (unless it ends in the deleted folder) in case i ever see you pull similar stunts elsewhere.
there's a quote which goes
'he who uses authority instead of deliberation is not using his intellect but his memory'
while you're at it, read the thread linked above, it's only two posts anyway, then come back and refute my claims one by one.
your alledged 100.000 papers predicting our doom mean squat if the basis of their claims is false. the Antarctic ice sheet melting? says who? i don't need a 'plethora of well established academic and government (including NASA?) agencies' (wtf is an academic agency anyway?) to tell me that three weeks longer pack ice seasons go well with global warming - do you? to put it bluntly, watching the ice sheets until disintegration while counting days does not require a PhD.
science is not based on consensus, it's based on verifiable (and falsifiable) experiment. since there's no way to test, GW is a safe proposition, obviously. if it does not come to pass, a) most will have forgotten and b) it was probably the air tax. this win/win type makes it inherently unscientific, of course (but it could of course still come true - just like Nostradamus' predictions)
obvious? you know what's obvious? that you wouldn't accept any source that says something you don't want to hear. while we are at it, please tell us what it would take to convince you AGW was in fact a sham? if i'm bringing data you didn't know of, including three links, none of them to conspiratorial sources, it's automatically cherry-picking. it can't be bias or lack of research on part of the alarmists, can it?!
Originally posted by zeeon
Your "proof" is lacking - your posting is authortarian at best (and thats being kind), you try to support your opinion as fact and indirectly accuse others who don't agree with your "proof" of intellectual dishonesty.
Are any of the sources you posted peer-reviewed scientific journals? Nope they sure aren't. If you really want, I'll smash your "proof" by posting peer-reviewed scientific research support global warming.
Originally posted by Chupa101
Originally posted by zeeon
Your "proof" is lacking - your posting is authortarian at best (and thats being kind), you try to support your opinion as fact and indirectly accuse others who don't agree with your "proof" of intellectual dishonesty.
Umm...Pot calling the Kettle black.
Pray tell, show us these 'peer-reviewed scientific journals'. I (and I'm certain Long Lance) would love to see them. Yet again you talk as if there was some kind of epic evidence battle, with 'a plethora of evidence' (you do seem to enjoy using that word: 'plethora') as if you are the wielder of the power of Greyskull or something.
Zeeon, I don't 100% agree with everything Long Lance is saying, but I think your being rude to him. So far you have posted a Wiki article to back up your claims, he has presented a NASA article that does have credibility to it, regardless of what you say.
Also, from what I can tell, by your logic anything written before 2005 is outdated; which, quite frankly, leaves most of the CO2 Climate change data, well...outdated.
I think you need knocking down a peg or two, mate.
The authors are at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA, New York, NY 10025, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
After a century of polar exploration, the past decade of satellite measurements has painted an altogether new picture of how Earth's ice sheets are changing. As global temperatures have risen, so have rates of snowfall, ice melting, and glacier flow. Although the balance between these opposing processes has varied considerably on a regional scale, data show that Antarctica and Greenland are each losing mass overall. Our best estimate of their combined imbalance is about 125 gigatons per year of ice, enough to raise sea level by 0.35 millimeters per year. This is only a modest contribution to the present rate of sea-level rise of 3.0 millimeters per year. However, much of the loss from Antarctica and Greenland is the result of the flow of ice to the ocean from ice streams and glaciers, which has accelerated over the past decade. In both continents, there are suspected triggers for the accelerated ice discharge—surface and ocean warming, respectively—and, over the course of the 21st century, these processes could rapidly counteract the snowfall gains predicted by present coupled climate models.
Originally posted by Long Lance
GW can't be disproven, because no matter if it's cold as *** or hot as hll it's always 'climate change'. heatwaves make headlines, complete with 'death tolls' for emotional appeal, no matter how unfounded (f-ex. a toddler locked into car in a hot parking lot has noting to do with GW but everything with negligience). the usualy numbers are extremely suspicious anyway, if they say that a dozen people have died from heatwaves - out of several millions, it's statistically questionable, at best.
from 1998 - straight from the Stone Age, according to you. see what i mean ? claiming that anything before 2005 is irrelevant is, well, unprecedented, isn't it?
finally, you're still dodging the point: unless you and your journals are able to refute that the Antarctic is seeing partial growth of glaciers and increasingly longer pack ice seasons, the point stands. whether it is important to the discussion of global climate (it probably is, on the southern hemisphere at least) is another matter entirely.
Claims that the Antarctic Continent is undergoing unmitigated warming and melting of glaciers are afaics, misguided and false.
one last time, the article i posted was online less than two weeks ago, old articles are not removed, they remain in the database, which was readily proven by your 1998 article.
your reaction to the article is damning, because you're not refuting the content, you are attacking the source. that imho, qualifies as 'stunt' and your inferring of parent/child relationships was entirely your idea.
it's painfully obvious that with the arguments you've been using, wrt current publications, quality standards, etc. pretty much _any_ source can be discredited,
which means you'd be very short of information to back up your arguments, IF you adhered to your own 'standards' which you definitely do not (and cannot), because:
The authors are at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA, New York, NY 10025, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
i'm well aware of an abundance of peer-reviewed papers claiming all the same thing, you're simply forgetting that millions of people claiming the earth is flat does not make it so. portraying climate as a menace and only as a menace is scaremongering.
the fact that climate was once much warmer and did not destroy the world speaks volumes, as does the deafening silence (or outright denial) by alarmists on such conflicting evidence
Originally posted by zeeon
The fact remains that you pulled the article from the web archive. If you can find ANY journal that has that article (or has published it) on the web, I'd take alot more confidence in it. But you have failed to do so.
The database I pulled the '98 article was a JOURNAL database, which keeps prior published articles. You pulled your article from which archives ALL web content. It's not a scientific or published journal.
it's painfully obvious that with the arguments you've been using, wrt current publications, quality standards, etc. pretty much _any_ source can be discredited,
Finally your starting to see where I'm coming from here. Pretty much ANY souce can be discredited! Thats why scientists have to put their names and reputations on the line and publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals for acceptance amoung other scientists putting their names and repuations on the line! There is NO OTHER WAY to add credability to research / experimentation otherwise.
It's nice to see that you could only find one article (the same one I posted by mistake for having the wrong date) to "damn" me with, lol. It was error on my part to post that particular article. What of the other 3 or so ? Got rationalizations for those too?
That is by far and away the funniest thing I have seen you write. ICE AGE?