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If the Solar System is Heating Up: The Best Protection

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posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 07:31 PM
Recent events have claimed that our entire Solar System is actually a part of a smaller galaxy, known as the Sagittarius Dwarf, and we are only recently being acquired by the larger, denser Milky Way galaxy.

These claims have given rise to the possibility that we are about to pass through a very energetic portion of the Milky Way. This energetic area could be a major factor in the rising temperatures our planet is experiencing now.

So, if take take that information as "fact", let's look at our current situation:

If I am not mistaken, one of the more devastating aspects of Global Warming, is the Ice Age that will follow. This is, in part, due to the warming effect creating a thickening of our atmosphere, and more pronounced "filtering" of the sun's rays. This, in turn, will not allow all of the potential heat to enter our atmosphere.

If these two events, along with their side-effects, are actually occurring, is it safe to say that "Global Warming" may actually be a protective measure against the heated interior of the Milky Way's local arm? In the long run?

Please let me know if my question was too vague.



posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 08:51 PM
I'm really confused. Is there any science at all to suggest the entire solar system is heating? All i thought that was happening is we were aligning with the galactic plane, and beyond that not much was proven.

What protective measure? By the earth? Also there is no garuntee that global warming will cause an ice age.

Please explain this more, I dont get it.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:02 PM
I read on that several of the planets are heating, ex.Mars icecaps receding. I am not an alarmist so I consider these normal cyclic events. along with the suns activities. In fact this is one of the arguments that are used to counter the man made global warming theory. Several years ago i read an article on the effects on Earth if it went thru a dark energy/matter field. Amazingly you would have heating up of Earths mantels.quakes,volcanic activities, but not anything like hitting anti-matter.
as we live in a narrow band for life to exist you would not want things to get too hot, where only bacteria would survive. If the ocean levels do rise..a lot of people will die, coastal lands disappear etc. Some lands get good, others bad.I understand some politicians bought a hotel in the dominican republic, The Blackstone group(who I consider in the know of things) just bought up hilton properties, so why are not these people worried. remember they plan for decades ahead, not short term.

The only thing I worry is the Oort cloud our system is going through, we are at a peak period for extinction, (Discovery science is cool) another cyclic event. Based on the increase in noctilucent clouds, which are caused by fe2o3 meteor dust (since the 70's)in a highly charged state in the mesosphere are precursors to increasing levels of larger particles, then the big stuff. I am concerned they are taking the Arecibo dish down which is like putting a hand over one eye then looking. So much for tracking asteroids.

I would try to collect conserve as much drinkingwater..Thats going to be the real scarce commidity. Under a few feet of earth, temps are stable and cooler. Build down not up. (I believe some are doing this already) I will leave that portion to the resident experts here to ponder. I haven't seen any real constructive stuff other than tweak your cars, change lightbulbs, and purchase carbon credits. Ahat with a propellor to keep me cool makes more sense if things were really heating up drastically.
Good Luck

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:36 PM
Here is some info from just one article I happened to be reading:

Implications in Global Warming?

It has been postulated that this is the real reason for both global warming since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to burn hotter and emit higher energies. Indeed, temperatures have been seen to rise on virtually all the planets in our system. This seems quite apart from any local phenomenon like greenhouse gases etc.

This grand turning is possibly the root cause for the discontinuation of the Mayan calendar (the most accurate on the planet) because the 'read-point' of the Pleiades star cluster, which many believe the calendar was based upon, can no longer be a constant as we begin to steer away from the earlier predictable movements.

There are other indicators. Even Pluto is heating up for some reason.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 11:30 PM
Interesting I suppose. I guess if some people say that our solar system is entering a new consciousness field in which humanity will become enlightened, then it isn't to much of a stretch to say the planets will warm in the process.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Vipassana
What protective measure? By the earth? Also there is no garuntee that global warming will cause an ice age.

I am under the impression that global warming is partially due to human action, but most of it is the result of some outside force. It could be a 'galactic' warming, in which case we are going to have to suffer through it no matter what. It could be Sol's sunspot cycle amping up with more power than has been in the recent past. It could be our diminishing magnetic field around the Earth.

I think its safe to say we don't really know for sure, and when we do find out it may be too late.

We should start behaving appropriately towards our planet, that would be a great first step. That would include possibily eliminating our greenhouse gas emissions and planting massive quantities of trees/plants to counteract all of the pollution we have caused. The Earth has a funny way of cleaning up after a mess we make. We've seen this in the past with many ancient civilizations. At one time the Mayan/Aztec/Inca civilizations ruled much of South America...Now much of their cities are under dense rain forest.

The Earth cleanses itself after too much destruction has been done. We may be on the verge of crossing another threshold.

Ok...As for global warming causing a global cooling I'll explain. As the globe heats up, the ice caps melt, therefore flooding the oceans with massive amounts of cool water. This in turn messes up the heat exchange that is produced from the Gulf Stream.

The Gulf Stream is essentially the main reason why a country like Ireland/UK which is much farther North than the US has such a mild climate. It helps keep much of Europe warm, at least in the coastal regions.

The Gulf Stream is influential on the climate of the east coast of Florida, especially southeast Florida, helping to keep temperatures warmer than in the rest of the southeastern United States during the winter.[citation needed] During the summer, the effect is opposite but small.[citation needed] The Gulf Stream makes the climate of offshore islands of Massachusetts, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket milder than that of Massachusetts Bay, which is isolated from Gulf Stream effects by Cape Cod.

And a disturbing trend:

There is some speculation that global warming could decrease or shutdown thermohaline circulation and therefore reduce the North Atlantic Drift, most probably within the timescale of a few hundred years. This could trigger localised cooling in the North Atlantic and lead to cooling (or lesser warming) in that region, particularly affecting areas that are warmed by the North Atlantic Drift, such as Scandinavia and Great Britain[5]. The chances of this occurring are unclear[6].
At present, most available data show that Gulf Stream flow was stable over the past 40 years.[7] One report, based on a snapshot survey, suggested that the deep return flow has weakened[8] by 30% since 1957, which would imply a weakening in the North Atlantic Deep Water production.[9] However, this should have caused a temperature drop of several degrees in northwest Europe, which has not been observed. It was later discovered, using the first cross-Atlantic array of moored current meters, that variations within one year were just as large.[10] At least part of the apparent weakening of the Gulf Stream (if real) may be cyclical and connected to recent positive values of North Atlantic Oscillation.[11] Recent research [12] shows that Gulf Stream volume transport during the Little Ice Age was ten per cent weaker than today’s, implying that diminished oceanic heat transport may have contributed to the 16th- to the mid-19th-century cooling in the North Atlantic.

Solving this puzzle requires an understanding of what launches and drives the Conveyor in the first place. The answer, to a large degree, is salt.

For a variety of reasons, North Atlantic waters are relatively salty compared with other parts of the world ocean. Salty water is denser than fresh water. Cold water is denser than warm water. When the warm, salty waters of the North Atlantic release heat to the atmosphere, they become colder and begin to sink.

In the seas that ring the northern fringe of the Atlantic—the Labrador, Irminger, and Greenland Seas—the ocean releases large amounts of heat to the atmosphere and then a great volume of cold, salty water sinks to the abyss. This water flows slowly at great depths into the South Atlantic and eventually throughout the world’s oceans.

Thus, the North Atlantic is the source of the deep limb of the Ocean Conveyor. The plunge of this great mass of cold, salty water propels the global ocean’s conveyor-like circulation system. It also helps draw warm, salty tropical surface waters northward to replace the sinking waters. This process is called “thermohaline circulation,” from the Greek words “thermos” (heat) and “halos” (salt).

If cold, salty North Atlantic waters did not sink, a primary force driving global ocean circulation could slacken and cease. Existing currents could weaken or be redirected. The resulting reorganization of the ocean’s circulation would reconfigure Earth’s climate patterns.

Computer models simulating ocean-atmosphere climate dynamics indicate that the North Atlantic region would cool 3° to 5° Celsius if Conveyor circulation were totally disrupted. It would produce winters twice as cold as the worst winters on record in the eastern United States in the past century. In addition, previous Conveyor shutdowns have been linked with widespread droughts throughout the globe.

It is crucial to remember two points: 1) If thermohaline circulation shuts down and induces a climate transition, severe winters in the North Atlantic region would likely persist for decades to centuries—until conditions reached another threshold at which thermohaline circulation might resume. 2) Abrupt regional cooling may occur even as the earth, on average, continues to warm.

Great illustration of the gulf stream:

I hope this has clarified some points. Ask and I'll find some more research for you.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:53 PM
Sorry I did not this post exisited. mine asked questions relating to 1) if it was a Hoax and 2) would this lead to a global government to help us.

For the post I did asked these questions. So I will ask them here.

Any answers would help.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Horrificus
Recent events have claimed that our entire Solar System is actually a part of a smaller galaxy, known as the Sagittarius Dwarf, and we are only recently being acquired by the larger, denser Milky Way galaxy.

These claims have given rise to the possibility that we are about to pass through a very energetic portion of the Milky Way. This energetic area could be a major factor in the rising temperatures our planet is experiencing now.

Both would be misreadings of what the scientists actually said. We are (and always were) part of the Milky Way galaxy.

Have a look at what the scientists who released the report are saying:

As the Bad Astronomy site eplains, we are ALWAYS in the Galactic Plane of the Milky Way galaxy... so we're always in the "high energy zone":

So, if take take that information as "fact"

Please don't. Viewzone had no idea what they were talking about.

If I am not mistaken, one of the more devastating aspects of Global Warming, is the Ice Age that will follow.

Global warming isn't a few year cycle followed by an ice age. Typically there are on the order of 50,000 years between the cycles (and often longer.)

This is, in part, due to the warming effect creating a thickening of our atmosphere, and more pronounced "filtering" of the sun's rays. This, in turn, will not allow all of the potential heat to enter our atmosphere.

The dynamic atmosphere might have more water vapor in it, but what that does is create more violent storms. This same sort of thing happened during the Cretaceous era, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The hurricanes and tornados we have today are somewhat wimpy compared to the ones back then.

Also, the energy output from the stars is quite weak. While you could generate an inductive current from Earth's gravity (you could get a wire to generate electricity if it was long enough), if you took that same wire into outer space and exposed it to the magnetic and heat energy from the Milky Way rift... you'd get no current at all.

Remember, night isn't warmer than the day. If we were getting that much energy from the galaxy, the night would be as warm (or warmer) than the day.

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