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Islam's Global War against Christianity

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posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 10:20 AM
Many here are referring to the Muslim populations in "westernized" nations as being peaceful and that is no doubt true. Being that those already living in a "western," or should I say "globalized?," society are more likely to accept the culture and live in peace, I wouldn't use them as an example.

I know we're talking about the Muslim population as a whole, but the vast majority of extremist are living in the Middle East and have not accepted globalization or westernization and I would think are more likely to take an extremist attitude.

Until we move away from mass-organized religion and practice a more personal inner-religion these wars/jihad/crusades will never stop.

I go to a Christian church, but only to appease my wife. I do not accept any organized religion. I'm an EvoCreationist, so I keep my beliefs to myself. Other's might think I'm crazy. But at least I'm not going around trying to convince others that my religion that preaches the beliefs of Mohammed or Jesus are better than anyone elses.

Fanatics need to get over themselves. Whatever happens after this life is going to happen to everyone, whether they believe in Islam, Christianity, Evolution or nothing. There isn't anything you can do in this life to change that.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 10:55 AM
How about the war on Islam by the fundamentalist 'Christians' in the White House?

Have you given any thought to that?

I have no doubt the Middle Easterners want us all dead because of what we've been doing in their region for over a hundred years. Forty years of British Imperial rape and pillage followed by another 60 some odd years of American Imperialism.

Wake up dude, the Christians are not the ones who are on the receiving end of much of the hate.

As I can see clearly, you are biased AGAINST Islam, for what I don't know. Just foolish.

NO RELIGION has all the answers, that's why I steer clear of all of them. They all have problems, just like everything man has created.

God bless the Muslims, they are fighting for their freedom and we just want to go in and carpet bomb all of them because they disagree with how we are treating their neighbors and families.

What a crock of #.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:06 AM
I wonder if you would have that "hug" a muslim attitude if you lived in those copuntry's already mentioned. Ive seen the so called religion of peace and it scares the hell out of me.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:10 AM
Funny how the indoctrination in our nation to blame other religions for the evils of the world while defending Christianity leave out the fact of what is going on in the middle east.

People forget that the middle east with populations of Islam worshiper muslins has been demonized for decades due to the only thing that they have and many countries that worship Christianity wants.

But when reality is exposed and the truth is that the invasion in the middle east is actually by mostly Christian worshiping nations, people get mind fog to still push the believe that is Islam the one attacking Christianity.

Sad and pitiful.

The middle east is been raped, destroyed and forced into a social and cultural change that has taken other nations generations and centuries to achieve, but in modern times oil is to precious and desirable the take over of the resources of middle eastern nations that have it but are unfriendly to Christian worshiping nations has to be pushed in the name of god and humanity.

But the sad thing is that the muslin Islam worshiping nations humanity is not taken into account as hundreds of muslin dies every day in pursue of a change.

As long as they are evil muslin worshipers of Islam their lives can not compare to a Christian worshiping one in value.

Islam's Global war against Christianity perhaps is not different than, Christian nations war for profits against Islam's worshiping nations with oil.

denied ignorance people.
just another islam bashing thread.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Definition of a hate crime from wikipedia:

Hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) are crimes motivated by bias against an identifiable social group, usually groups defined by race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, or political affiliation.

Regardless of what religion you are biased against, it is a hate crime or you are stepping towards committing a hate crime.

NO religion is perfect. NO person is perfect.

To judge a whole religion for the acts of a vast minority is complete and utter IGNORANCE.

We are taught to deny ignorance here at ATS, but it seems many who hate the Islamic faith are merely accepting ignorance...All you are told by the corporate media. Nice job guys.

Why not try to think for yourself for once? No, you'd rather believe all the lies you read in the news and see on tv.

You wonder why there are terror bombings in the middle east? Western intervention. We have destroyed their sacred lands and even stolen Jerusalem from the proper owners. We have gone in and installed countless dictators that were Pro-West only to have their actions thrown back in our face.

We, Westerners, are the true terrorists.

We have committed far greater crimes than any person living in the middle east.

WHO dropped the atomic bomb on Japan? Was it Islamic terrorists? NO!

Who continues to scare its people in order to create more restrictive and immoral laws? Our own governments who care more about getting reelected and cash money than their fellow humans and planet.

I say screw them all (politicians). They haven't done anything for us. I'd rather see the White House and Congress terror bombed than anything else

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
islam = christianity = hinduism = judaism
at least in terms of violence

i would say buddhism.. but the incidents of buddhist violence are few and far between

Well, in the interest of history...
After the founding of Buddhism, Buddhists trued to convert Hindus to the "true" way, resulting in a lot of bloodshed before most Buddhists were driven from India.
The Buddhists were pushed into the Himalayas and Tibet, where they lashed out at the native shamanic peoples, and installed the rather brutal system of Lamaic feudalism.
In southeast Asia, Buddhists attacked and converted the native Hindus wherever possible.
The same strife was repeated when Buddhism moved into China and Mongolia from Tibet - Killing Mongolian shamans, and Chinese Taoists and trying to institute Buddhist religious rule.
Buddhists who came to Japan were engaged in a bloody civil war with the native Shintoists over who would be dominant. The fighting was so brutal that, when the Portuguese arrived, Christianity began to spread like wildfire through Japan because the other two options were crazy... At this point the Buddhists and Shinto laid aside their differences and exterminated Japanese Christians.

The youthful history of Buddhism is no less bloody than any western religion.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 04:56 PM
What do each of these islam = christianity = hinduism = judaism have in common? They are all religions. And why is their fighting and killing? Hmmm, who said religion is peaceful? Glad I'm not a participant in their silly games of death.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls

God bless the Muslims, they are fighting for their freedom and we just want to go in and carpet bomb all of them because they disagree with how we are treating their neighbors and families.

What a crock of #.

Yeah fighting for their freedoms by blowing up subway trains and embassies and night clubs and barracks and schools and god knows how many other things. Fighting for their freedom to practice female circumcision and sharia law and the like right?

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls

WHO dropped the atomic bomb on Japan? Was it Islamic terrorists? NO!

Remember America dropped the atomic bomb on Japan after Japan had instigated a war and after both nations had been engaged in active geneva convetionsesque style conflict for years. It wasn't a suprise bombing during peacetime with no provocation was it? Oh now that would be something like the 72 Olympics or the Nairobi embassy bombings or the Beirut barracks bombings. Stick to selling RIP Biggie shirts on the overpass pal.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

People forget that the middle east with populations of Islam worshiper muslins has been demonized for decades due to the only thing that they have and many countries that worship Christianity wants.

And the England subway bombings were a result of something British Muslims didn't want: the government refusing to allow Sharia law from being imposed.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

The youthful history of Buddhism is no less bloody than any western religion.

While what you said previous to this comment may have been true, I don't know, I don't think that you can compare either the violence that the Buddhists or Hindus have caused with the violence of Christianity,Islam and Judaism. There is really no comparison. Sorry to tell ya.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Agent47

Originally posted by marg6043

People forget that the middle east with populations of Islam worshiper muslins has been demonized for decades due to the only thing that they have and many countries that worship Christianity wants.

And the England subway bombings were a result of something British Muslims didn't want: the government refusing to allow Sharia law from being imposed.

So how many bombing sorties to the Brits help run across Iraq and Afghanistan, Agent47? What was the Brits' involvement in the overthrow of Mossadegh in '53, again? And let's do examine the British divide and conquer methods used in their Middle Eastern and Indian territories.

I often see people such as yourself claim that since most Muslims aren't marching the streets decrying the fundamentalists, that makes all Muslims guilty by association. Tell me, if you can. why this logic doesn't likewise incriminate the people who vote for and support heads of state that engage in war that targets civilians and infrastructure?

is it just a matter of "Christian good, Muslim bad", or is there also an unwritten point where the amount of melanin in your skin makes you a terrorist sympathizer rather than a patriotic flag-waver?

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

The youthful history of Buddhism is no less bloody than any western religion.

While what you said previous to this comment may have been true, I don't know, I don't think that you can compare either the violence that the Buddhists or Hindus have caused with the violence of Christianity,Islam and Judaism. There is really no comparison. Sorry to tell ya.

Tibet: The west loves to portray pre-invasion Tibet as a paradisical Shangri-La where everyone lived in harmony with everything, life was good, tra la la la. Tibet was a theocratic feudalist state. The first Lama was installed by Kublai Khan, and the third was installed and supported by the armies of China - who created the title Dalai Lama, and claimed the previous two Lamas were in fact the third Lama's previous incarnations.

This Dalai Lama then waged war against monasteries of rival sects of Buddhism (his own being the Gelug sect), destroying writings and sutras that would challenge his supposed divine reincarnated nature. The next six Dalai Lamas are recorded as having been assassinated by their own high priests for "behavior unbefitting god incarnate". The Fifth Dalai Lama waged war against the rival Kagyu sect in the Tsang province. He ordered the army to obliterate male and female family lines alike, "like eggs against a rock." The sectarian warfare between Gelug and Kagyu continued into the modern era.

The modern Era of Tibet gives us a good look at the sheer opulence of the Lamaic feudal system. The current Dalai Lama admits to having owned slaves, while living at the 1000-room, 14-story Potala Palace. Tibet, marveled at in Europe for its lack of a police force, in fact maintained a small but well-armed and well-trained army who's primary function was to hunt down runaway serfs, beat the stuffing out of them, and return them to the landowners. Tibetan boys were "collected" for life in the monastery, lives that included frequent rape and abuse by the older monks. Landowners were free to use their serves as they saw fit - as fodder for battle, as entertainers, and as, ahem, bedwarmers. This was all enforced under the idea of karmic progression - if you happened to be born a serf or a slave, then, by golly, you deserve every ounce of poor treatment, because the Buddha says the world is suffering.

Criminals in Tibet were frequently tortured by the lamas. Eyes were gouged and tongues were pulled, up to the invasion in 1951. Since the taking of life is "forbidden" by Buddhist scripture, criminals were often crippled and thrown out into the elements to die- "given to god." It's incredibly curious to note that for all their own brutal methods, the Maoist Chinese abolished slavery and serfdom, did away with mutilations, and opened monastery land to the people.

Today we are told that the Tibetan peasants lived happy lives of complicit servitude, in a seamless symbiosis with the monks whom they worked for. For some reason, people in the west swallow this, even if they would recoil from the exact same sentiments being expressed about slave owners in the southern US.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Take a look at some other stuff for more on Tibetan Buddhism, and the offenses of that religion as a whole:

As for Hinduism, well, take a look at the caste system. Suttee. warring provinces and sectarianism that probably dates to the Neolithic age. The site above touches on some of the issues of child abuse in both Buddhist and Hindu history - and present.

As I said - "just as bad".

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