posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:26 PM
I am convinced that the biggest barrier to building an SEG is not the cost, it is the knowledge of how to build one.
As things sit, a person could have literally billions of dollars to drop on trying to build this thing and would fail simply owing to the lack of
knowing anything about the device specific enough to replicate it. Therefore, cost is not the real limiting factor. Someone might very well claim
that an SEG could be built for a few hundred dollars, but owing to lack of anyone other than Searl and co. knowing how to build one, it's not
something that anyone here could hope to prove false, so what good does it do for people who think otherwise to bet them that they can't?
But hey... if someone wants to explain how the magnetic fields are situated around the magnets unambiguously enough that one can with certainty be
able to measure their own degree of success or failure in just that regard, then those sorts of challenges make a lot more sense. One might very well
be right that building the magnetizer costs millions, but without even knowing what the exact magnetization pattern is in the first place, it's
really not the money that's an issue.