posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 02:06 AM
I have been a member for a good bit of time, and have found that I am posting less and less and focusing mainly on reading posts. I do sometimes
think of new posts, but find that I can't bring myself to posting them for a number of reasons.
The reason I am posting this in Faith, Spirituality, and Theology, is because I feel that the decision to announce a lesser involvement on ATS/BTS is
not about my interests in its content, but rather the focus of all my thoughts and ideas focus mainly towards F,S,&T and I am having a hard time
having anything more to say to anyone about these topics.
I consider this probably my last meaningful thread for that reason. I would like to hear others that feel the same way in that there isn't a whole
lot more to say about faith, because it really has all been said before. I liken this to a silent defense much the same as Jesus did in front of
Pontius Pilate. I have listened to and sometimes commented about the wide range of beliefs here and have learned a thing or two. It has strengthened
my faith which is primarily one of trying to find reason in judging righteously all the differences in ideas, religions, and philosophies. I
personally feel I have come to my own conclusions on this matter. I also feel that there is nothing I can add or subtract to anyone else's faith at
this time. That never really was my purpose either.
But, all this really means is that I will just become a lurker; constantly watching the threads for some tidbit of information and knowing my place
and purpose.
I feel the time of renewal is close enough that I should step back and watch rather than be involved.
Comments welcome.