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Did Kevin Sullivan Kill the Benoit Family?

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posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 06:08 PM
I think the Police are a bunch of IDIOTS and easy fooled.

#1. Chris Benoit was considered a family man and he was very close with his family.

#2. Beniot was supposed to win the World Championship Title on the night of his suicide.

#3. Beniot stole his wife from another wrestler by the name of Kevin Sullivan. At the time (10 years ago) Sullivan said he was going to kill Benoit.

#4. Sullivan is a high ranking member of the Church of Satan, whose credo is to seek revenge against those that have done you wrong.

My thoery is that Kevin Sullivan possibly with other members of the Church of Satan broke into the home on Friday. Drugged the family. Held the kid as hostage to make Benoit call the WWE and cancel his event. then he tied up his ex-wife and made Benoit watch as he killed her. then the next day made benoit watch as he killed his son. then on the next day they killed Benoit and made the whole scene look like a murder suicide.

The Text Messages could have been sent by anyone with Chris' phone.
The Wiki Page was edited from CT not GA.
Chris Benoit was going to become the World Champion on Sunday night.
Roid Rage happens within a short burst, not over an entire weekend...

If Kevin Sullivan is not the #1 Suspect then the Police are IDIOTS.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 07:14 PM
He could have. I don't really think we are ever going to have a clear picture as to what really happened here.

Like I have said on other threads on this subject, this is going to be one of those cases where you just have to accept the official version and always have doubts and questions in your mind about it.

I personally think that Benoit may have walked in on his family after they were killed by someone, and he made the decision to end his own life. However, that is just a hunch that I have.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 07:19 PM
Thats a very interesting theory and now you made me start investigating it a little more.
I mean wouldnt you just shoot yourself instead of the dramatic hanging.
Personally I would want to have my lights turned off very quickly.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
He could have. I don't really think we are ever going to have a clear picture as to what really happened here.

Like I have said on other threads on this subject, this is going to be one of those cases where you just have to accept the official version and always have doubts and questions in your mind about it.

I personally think that Benoit may have walked in on his family after they were killed by someone, and he made the decision to end his own life. However, that is just a hunch that I have.

accept the official version? well you must have lost your mind since when do we do that here

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by razor1000

accept the official version? well you must have lost your mind since when do we do that here

I don't make it a habit,I assure you.
However, they have got this case so discombobulated that there is no way we will ever get the full story about it.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 07:39 PM
I agree that some thing just doesn't add up here.

I believe steroids and 'roid rage are a cover story for whatever really happened.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 11:09 PM
I actually knew Chris Benoit. My father was an independent wrestling promoter, and he worked for him several years ago. In my experiences with him, he was a very nice guy. But you only see what a person wants you to see. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. The kindness he portrayed to me and others could have easily been a front. For all we know, he has been wrestling with demons his entire life (no pun intended). As someone who spent time with him, and didn't just watch his character wrestle on television, I am willing to accept the facts as they have been portrayed by the authorities.

The fact is that even the people we all love and admire are capable of doing the most horrific of things. I think it's extremely premature to jump to conclusions, especially considering we have only a small fraction of information- most coming from sources outside of law enforcement. I think the Kevin Sullivan theory is bogus. If every person that I ever said I wanted to kill was actually murdered, I'd be locked up for being a serial killer by now. If someone "stole" my wife/girlfriend, especially a co-worker and/or friend, I would probably threaten to kill that person as well. Obviously, I wouldn't actually kill the person. It's a comment said in the heat of the moment.

A group of people, including Sullivan or not, tying up the Benoit family and systematically killing them over the course of three days does not explain how Benoit was able to have a lengthy conversation with his neighbor on the Saturday of the murders. It also doesn't explain the rather strange text messages he sent out Saturday night/Sunday morning.

If we're going to make this thread about presenting our theories, then I might as well jump aboard. If I had to guess, I would say that Chris Benoit came home and was confronted with the news that his wife wanted to leave him and was possible seeing someone else. He also may have discovered she was having an affair without her actually telling him. In the heat of passion, and with enough chemicals in his body to kill a barn full of horses, he attacked, bound and strangled his wife. Seeing what he had done, and realizing that he couldn't possibly get away with it, he spent the remainder of the day with his son in a sick sort of "farewell". He came to the realization that his son would be better off dead than live a life with his mother having been killed by his father and his father spending the rest of his life in jail. So, he murdered his son. When he decided that it was only a matter of time before someone came to the house to check on him (possibly even the police), he drank himself into a stupor and took his own life.

That's just my theory for now. However, it now appears that it may have been more premeditated then I originally thought. News sources are now reporting that prior to the killings, Benoit took out life insurance policies on himself and his wife and child. The beneficiaries were his two children from a previous marriage and his ex wife. He also opened a bank account in his ex-wife's name. When Nancy (the wife he allegedly murdered) confronted him upon hearing of this, he refused to change the policies. This, of course, has yet to be confirmed. I'll provide the source for it below.

Here's the second-hand source I read this news on:
Declaration of Independents- Independent Wrestling News Site

Site of original story:
Wrestling Observer

Forgive me if I didn't use the proper sourcing procedure. This was all done on the whim and I'm not really familiar with the ATS policy.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 04:15 AM
I don't think Kevin Sullivan is part of the church of satan... regardless, I've not heard anything that makes me think that he killed them.

That said, I'm a Calgary native, and I was/am a HUGE Benoit fan, so I had a hard time swallowing things initially-- and I'm still not sure what to think. things just don't add up for me, but clearly, given that I was a fan of Benoit's for years, I can't objectively comment on what he would or wouldn't do-- we as humans like to Deify our celebrities, especially ones we spend years admiring.

but that aside, things still aren't adding up. none of it fits the typical MO of a murder-suicide, nor a crime of passion or opportunity. it's all too calm, too thought-out, and too.. weird. I really would like to say that I believe that it was a frame up of some kind, and Chris didn't do what the media seems convinced that he did. But without any evidence pointing directly in another direction, it's the most likely conclusion we're left with.

I just really hope the police actually investigate all this thoroughly and do their best to figure out every angle on this so that a possibly-innocent man doesn't wrongly go down in history as a family-killer. again, I'm not saying I necessarily think that (again, no objectivity here), but if it's true, then it would be an absolute damn shame for it to cast a shadow on Benoit's life and legacy, not to mention his family.

In the same vein, I also read an article somewhere (can't find it now; sorry) postulating that Benoit's behavior may have been wonked out (for lack of a better term) due to multiple concussions. apparently they can have long-term effects like paranoia and increased tendencies towards violence. so that's one possible explanation for the 'why', at least, if he'd suffered enough concussions that he was effectively brain-damaged, then it might be understandable why he would turn into something resembling a serial-killer overnight.

the whole thing is just a damn shame in so many ways, no matter how you look at it.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
I actually knew Chris Benoit. My father was an independent wrestling promoter, and he worked for him several years ago. In my experiences with him, he was a very nice guy.

You know, everyone who actually knew the guy says that. However, just looking at the guy and his body language, I have to wonder how "nice" of a guy he was.

I will say this, while I wouldn't be surprised if he committed this crime,I think that something smells really bad about this case. The official story and what actually took place, doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 09:50 PM
anyone read the text messages , ??

i agree the wiki entry is a bit spooky

but no i dont think so , why on earth would you kill yer family or ex family if your gonna make a heck of a lot of cash from a fight like that and the publicity would guarantee that a new wife would be behind every corner ,

killing your family just because yur lonly is not love , its mental illness ,

he could have just called a cab to to son and sent him to his granny or something and the ended his own life ,

if my death would guarante my son a good life and a steady economic background id do it rather then kill him ,

question is who benefitted from this ?

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:32 PM
I think we're wasting time looking for rationality (that's a word, right?) in an irrational act. None of us know what was going through Benoit's mind. Even his best friends and family don't know. Nor will we ever truly know. He could have been battling mental illness his entire life. This mental illness could have been further aggravated by drugs, brain trauma and stress. He could have finally lost the battle against the illness he spent his entire life defeating.

but no i dont think so , why on earth would you kill yer family or ex family if your gonna make a heck of a lot of cash from a fight like that and the publicity would guarantee that a new wife would be behind every corner

When you've made as much money as he has in the business, and had all the publicity he has had, what does a little bit more of both mean? If you're depressed or angry, no amount of money or publicity is going to help you overcome that. Especially when you already have plenty of both. When you're in love with your wife, you don't want anyone else. Even if millions of women would give anything to be your wife, you just want the woman you're with. To say that his wife cheating on him or leaving him wouldn't effect him because he has the money and fame to easily obtain another shows a lack of understanding of what love really is. He shared a home, a child and years of memories with his wife. We have to assume that he didn't want to lose her, or at the very least didn't want anyone else to have her.

I still can't comprehend the murder of his child. The only theory I can possibly come up with is the one that I already mentioned. Maybe in Benoit's twisted mind he thought his child was better off in Heaven with his mother than living on Earth with a deceased mother and a father in jail for her murder, or a father who killed himself after her murder.

question is who benefitted from this ?

Well, if the source I referenced in my above post is correct, then his ex-wife and living children would benefit financially. Of course, any life insurance policy on Benoit himself would be void because of his suicide. But I believe the other policies are still valid, even if he was responsible for the murders, so long as he isn't the beneficiary (he's dead so he's not).

The other theory, and the title of this thread, is that Kevin Sullivan would have somehow benefited by getting his revenge for Benoit "stealing" his wife. If Sullivan held a grudge for that many years, and was willing to murder the woman he held this grudge over, the man who took her and their SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD, then he is an extremely disturbed individual. However, I am 100% confident that Sullivan himself did not carry out these murders. I'm sure that in the course of the investigation that the authorities spoke to Sullivan and checked on his whereabouts and alliby for the times of the murders and alleged suicide.

Obviously there are so many facts that the public has not been made aware of. The police are not investigating this as a double murder and suicide just for the heck of it. Obviously the evidence is overwhelming for them to believe that is the case. I'll admit that there are some suspicious items in this case, especially the Wikipedia entry (I'm not entirely satisfied with the "confession" of the poster). But I think it's just that strange of a case that there's going to be a lot of weird things coming out of it.

And now I've just done what I spoke out against in the beginning of this post. I've tried to find rational explanations where there may be none at all.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Where2Hide2006

i COMPLETLY AGRRE WITH U!!!! they seriously need to think this over and not be so quick to judge because chris was a great guy tht had alot going for him. he loved his family, especially his son. the police see a wrestler and family dead and automatically say tht double murder suicidde was in play...they are #in retarded and too lazy to do their job. i cant belive they are this stupid, and because they are kevin sullivan is free and free to do whatever he wants to whoever wronged him!!! unbelievable!!! completly. chris would have never done such a thing, and i am praying tht people start realizing it because he disappeared completly from wwe because of what they think tht he did. they dont talk about him, put him on or anything. its like he never existed. i know he didnt do anything and now benoit's fans think tht he is a monster tht should rot in hell, when tht is not true. kevin deserves to rot in jail and then hell for what he did, he should be put on death row immediatley, someone needs to talk to the police and get this straight, cause this isnt right. thanks for the post.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 08:42 PM
i don't think that chris beniot commeted the doubble murder/ suiside i think that this is a tripple murder commited by kevin sullivan because 1. by the boddie of nacy and their sun was bibles 2. the text message about nacy being dead was sent hours befor police found the boddie and that text message was sent by kevvin sullivan 3. why would beniot kill himself when that night he was going to be the word champ


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:22 AM
benoit did not kill his son and wife because there 3 bodys in the benoit house and sullivan was in that house and the evidence is pointed at him nancy benoit used to be married to kevin and he possibly had let dogs outside than her body was found in one of the rooms he possibly led her and put her in choke hold than the benoit son daniel possibly saw kevin kill his mom and went to his room and acted like he was sleeping than kevin put a bible next to each of there bodys

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