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Professional Pilot Instructors Discuss Airliner Approaches

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posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Might have been killed immediately? I don't think you gave this much thought. Even if it was conceivably possible to kill two human beings immedately with box cutters (which is unlikely) there would be so much blood all over the cockpit that it would be impossible to:

Let me respectfully suggest that when you propose a possibility like "they might have been killed immediately' that you give it just a little more thought. Thanks.


That is 1 of the first and biggest thing that hit me right away. Something is wrong when out of 4 planes not 1 could get off an emergency call or signal.

I know on military planes (i was a Crew Chief in the Air Force) thier is an emergency switch on IFF transponder that only takes a second to hit. I do not know on if any airliners have that switch on the transponder or they just use the 4 digit code on the transponder.

The thing that sticks out the most to me is that Flight 93 received a message on the internal datalink moments before they were suposidly hijacked, it would have only taken seconds for the pilot to type 7700 on the screen or some other signal that they were in trouble.

[edit on 19-7-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 06:37 PM

The thing that sticks out the most to me is that Flight 93 received a message on the internal datalink moments before they were suposidly hijacked, it would have only taken seconds for the pilot to type 7700 on the screen or some other signal that they were in trouble.

That is my biggest problem with Flight 93. Assuming the film is anywhere near accurate (it should be as it was allegedly based off the CVR) - the pilots were alerted to a possible hijack, but then the pilot goes to the door to let the stewardess in??? DUH! What was he thinking?! Any pilot in his right mind would immediately treat anyone wanting access to the flight deck as hostile (even in a pre 9/11 world)!

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