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Are we microscopic organisms?

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posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 09:31 AM
Ever wondr if we're just microscopic organisms living within a greater being we decipher as god? Or that being also being an organism with a greater being, an so on. If so, are we a cancer eating away at the cell of that greater being. I've thought this since I was a little kid...BTW, I'm brand new here and you'll probably see me busting on the religious fanatics alot.. ~Mikey

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 09:49 AM
That's funny... I've often wondered that same thing. I've thought of the Earth being an atom and us just living in it, and that all other celestial bodies are other neighboring atoms and that we float around in the "Real" worlds air. But this was from when I was a little kid. Also... My mom often wonders if we're just a computer program like the SIMS.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 09:59 AM
Ever seen the part in MIB II where Will Smith opens the locker, and there is a bunch of little things in there, worshiping his watch? Well, that kinda made me think too.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 10:39 AM
It most certainly is plausible and I think it is something that many people have considered over time.
How far out can you pan before you really have the whole picture? How far into the zooming process are we?

We may never know.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
It most certainly is plausible and I think it is something that many people have considered over time.
How far out can you pan before you really have the whole picture? How far into the zooming process are we?

We may never know.

I guess that's where we get "Infinite" from...

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 01:39 PM
I often wonderd the same thing, its really a good question if you think about it. But how would we know if we were ity bity.

Just think how big the Universe in relation to Earth and ourselves... Man my mind is going.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:13 AM
Ya know I thought about that too when you look at the universe vs. a single cell organism. Are the stars and planets just cytoplasm? Are black holes just vacuoles? Does the universe reproduce?

But then quantum physics comes in and says every bit of matter is not there yet everywhere. It really makes you think that despite how big or small something is, it is tied into the scientific proof that shows that quantum "stuff" doesn't become "something" until some conscious observer looks at it. Even our brains have to follow this rule. So is our mind outside of our brain (the theory I subscribe to, though the term outside doesn't really exist), or is there a consciousness observing us (God?) that makes us real? Or my favorite mass illusion theory is that matter/energy is consciousness and that consciousness is just the leaves of a tree looking down at its roots and thinking the "matter/energy" roots are something separate from itself.

Life is crazy, and I was in the shower one day and just started laughing my ass off thinking that maybe the answer is that there is no answer...there really is no answer to be found. What would people do if the answer God gave them was that there is no answer to life? Existance's answer keeps forking in the road. The more and the closer you look, the more it branches off. Sort of like quantum physics does...the only way we get things to work is to say this branch of the road to this branch is a "chair" and this branch is a "star" and this is a "human nose" and all these branches I see are a "universe". Ha! Boy whatever we are, we sure are crazy about figuring it out for some reason!

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by Dorenob
Ever wondr if we're just microscopic organisms living within a greater being we decipher as god? Or that being also being an organism with a greater being, an so on. If so, are we a cancer eating away at the cell of that greater being. I've thought this since I was a little kid...BTW, I'm brand new here and you'll probably see me busting on the religious fanatics alot.. ~Mikey

I think that sometimes, I mean hell there are tiny creatures having sex on us right now. The sphere intrigues me though, so many things are a sphere, and they go from the extremely small to massively huge.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:22 AM
Who says we aren't PART of a larger being. So far people are talking as if we are a bacteria inside a human. What if we are more like a human cell in a human.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:24 AM
its soo posible that it might be inposible for us not to be, hell it could go on for a "real" infinity!!

sometimes i wonder if beings of the other erm... SIZE would axidently to bleach us or were a elniss

you guys to remember we hardly exest becouse our particals are sooo spread out! well i geuss we may never know? that sucks!!

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:29 AM
The earth Reminds me of a cell in so many ways, I use to sit and biology class and think about this stuff all day, then when it came test time I would get low scores cause I would sit in the back and day dream too much...


posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
The earth Reminds me of a cell in so many ways

Eh, doesn't seem much like a cell to me, the earth is much less complex on many levels including chemical. I think any life on a galactic scale would have to be very different from life as we know it.

Just my 2 cents.

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:32 AM
well I did day dream a lot in Biology.....

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 03:35 AM
About 20 years ago Marvel Comics came out with a comic called "The Micronauts" that kinda delt with this subject. Ten or so years before that a TV show called "The Outer Limits" brought up this subject as well. Most rescently however, it was addressed in a "Simpsons" halloween episode. In closing, If we are, we'll never know.


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