posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:15 PM
The problem I have with the SSN is not so much the privacy or identification issue as with the loss of rights. We should be upfront and truthfull and
willing to be identified - not trying to be annonimous or hidden. From my years of study, the SSN is what more than anything subverts your natural
(and constitutional) rights in exchange for a plethora of commercial privaleges. You become a creature of the state instead of a natural person.
Social security is the biggest labor union in the country and unless you join the union, you can't be "employed". You get nice benefits like
retirement, disability etc, but you lose your right to your labor. You are no longer in charge of your person, no longer a sovereign citizen.
Because of our prosperous times, we don't feel like it, but from a legal point of view, we are just serfs in the system. Told what to do, when to do
it, and who to pay. Ever wonder how the IRS got power over you? Yep, "he who receives no privelege, owes on duty" to quote the supreme court.
What to do about it? That's what I want to know. We are like the children of Egypt, slaving away in Egypt, needing to be rescued. The problem has
gone on for several generations now and we are in too deep to just merely turn back. What is going to happen when the cheap energy that keeps the us
prosperous starts to wane and the growth that the economy depends on fails? Your masters are going to decide this for you. Not enough SS payers to
cover all the SS benefits? No problem - just adjust the benefits, they are just welfare payments. Did you know that? And that was decided back in
the 50's by the Supreme Court. I know, they sold it as insurance, but it really is employment taxes and welfare benefits. People don't care
though. As long as they are getting something for nothing and don't have to be responsible for themselves. All these tax protestors benefiting from
the system and then not wanting to pay the cost. At least, they ought to know why. But do you think we would willing sign up if we really knew the
Allright, I'm feeling better now. Don't get me started.