posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 02:53 PM
This prophecy may have a Plinian solution. If the Bay of Naples ever lets go, even if it doesn't rate Super Volcano status, the idea of a pope
coming out of a super secure bunker, and walking over some feet of ash, without realizing where his priests are buried under it, ala Pompei's plaster
casted bodies, would generate an eriely prescient fulfillment. The AD 79 eruption only knocked on the door of Naples, but that whole Bay is a dormant
Super Volcanic Caldera. With Sea Levels at historic highs, there is the added danger of Krakatoa like Steam Flash, added in this time around. Rome
is twenty some miles inland and a ways to the North, but a moderate blowup of the larger magma chamber beneath the Bay itself, instead of Vesuvius, on
the rim of the Caldera, could just as well take out Rome. Naples, of course, would permanently disappear. The old pope's vision may just have
focused on the Roman ash fall.