posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:29 AM
Amusing and appalling all at once. "The banality of evil" incarnate.
Rosie slipping Barbara Wawa the finger is simply priceless. Really you gotta love the whole set-up there and the deconstruction is dead-on.
And yes, how can that fascist cretin O'Reilly remain on the air?
Just goes to prove how infantilized the MSM has become. If this is how Joe Blow gets his information about the world--and sadly for most it is--then
it is all the more amazing that 9/11 disclosure has gotten as far as it has.
Partly I think it comes from media blowback: like the Donald says, ultimately there is no bad publicity, and to go to such lengths to mock the
truthers sends the unintended signal that they're on to something. Why else protest so strenuously?
I'll be interested to see the final result; good post.