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The Proof Demand Dilemma

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posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 03:10 PM
Reading through the countless bizarre claims found throughout ATS and other sites and even in every day life, there is one common denominatoramong there listeners:
the need for proof.

I agree whole heartedly with this, however the nature of proof needs to be looked at long and hard.

Example: In the 'August False Flag Hoax' so many people demanded photographic or video proof. Why?!

Maybe 10 years ago this would have been viable, but today photographic or video proof is about as meaningful as an elastic band in a room full of tigers.

Photoshop and special effects programs make it so easy. I can say without any doubt that I personally could make a picture of just about anything! It will be authentic enough to fool all but the most experienced experts.

We all know this, yet the need for photographic proof continues. We need other more solid kinds of proof.

What will cut it?
What can we notfake?

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 03:33 PM
Why can't we still ask for proof? It is very easy to identify photoshopped material anyway.

I have read your posting and answers and I have a hunch about who you are. I am waiting for your big "break thru thread". Then ATS will see for themselves. I WILL debunk you and bring it to the attention of the mods before you get out of control.......your warning has been given

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by ConstantlyWondering
Why can't we still ask for proof? It is very easy to identify photoshopped material anyway.

I have read your posting and answers and I have a hunch about who you are. I am waiting for your big "break thru thread". Then ATS will see for themselves. I WILL debunk you and bring it to the attention of the mods before you get out of control.......your warning has been given

Wow! skeptisism is rife before claims are even made!

If it will put your mind at ease... I'm Nicholas, friends call me Nic. Born 01-03-1986 (makes me 21) I live and work and study in sunny South Africa, Johannesburg to be precise. I've been interested by and enthusiastic about UFOs and paranormal phenomena for as long as I can remember.

I made the above statements because I study Graphic Design and Art Direction and work with photoshop literally daily. If you're good enough, it is possible to photoshop a pic that cannot be debunked.

When I have the time on my hands I'll prove this. I'll make a picture featuring both real and fake elements and put it to everyone to find the fake? sound fair?

PS. please be sure to let me know when I post my 'breakthrough thread' and thank you for the warm welcome.

PSS. what about my few previous posts made you think I was ______?
PSSS and what is _______?

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 06:44 AM
Any fool can stand up and state "Ive got Fairies at the bottom of my garden" or any similar outrageous claim

Without evidence, or corroboration the thruth will never be known.

Im sorry but Ive seen so many ridiculous claims and statements made then the perpetrator just sits back and says nothing.

Just take a look at what a UK bloke Barry King is saying on Youtube
He drones on and on and on yet without a scrap of evidence or of anything verifiable.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 06:46 AM
okay, was rushed. I get it.
I even understand your worry.

Supposedly 'in-the-know' guy posts thread stating that photographic proof is meaningles... blah blah blah.

Then claims outlandish story without photographic proof (blames this on the above).

Fear not. I have no hoaxes in mind, nor have I ever actually (with my own eyes) seen anything news worthy, and if by coincedance I did anytime soon.. I'd be to excited to remember to talk about it here!

But I will attempt to make a photo at full resolution that cannot be disproven. I might be wrong, but I'm 99% sure i can do it.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 06:48 AM
I agree that evidence is needed.

But I don't think I'd be convinced by a photo.

What other evidence can we look for?

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