posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 04:21 AM
When you only have a limited number of refineries, it suppose you had better get all the air defense systems you can, huh?
Ahmanutjob may be a smart man, and withstanding the speculation given already, there are top US analyst sitting back laughing their collective arses
off over this. Talk about gross governmental mismanagement, only a 'dumb' nutjob could have planned better. Iran is sitting on a load of oil and yet
imports 40%+ of its gas and diesel needs? Hell, even with all that oil, Iran is carrying a huge budget deficit and an inflation rate of nearly 25-30%.
Iran preparing? For what? LOL, you guys soaking up what the Iranian propaganda minister wants you to think or believe? Notions of Iran's
preparing/preparations for "whats coming" is more like Iran trying to cover further indications of Ahmanutjob's governmental incompetence and
mismanagement. What better way to do that then by spreading the belief that the Iranian government is seemingly
preparing for "whats coming"?
[edit on 28-6-2007 by Seekerof]