posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:49 PM
Money is gone and the people have already formed into small communities. Most of the work is already done. Eventually the small communities will
develop structures that suit their members and become largely self sufficient.
The major difficulty is to prevent greedy people from assuming too much power and going back to the heirarchial structures that are the major cause of
the world's problems today.
I would make no attempt at all to reproduce the materialistic, wasteful style of living which is abused by some in the world at the expense of the
rest and concentrate on providing a minimum standard comensurate with sufficient food, housing and medical care. Strong efforts would be made to
maximise the human component of every task to ensure value in all produce. Only when the human component becomes draconian would machine production
be permitted. Everyone would do a reasonable day's work comensurate with their abilities and physical condition. Luxury items would be prohibited
and all clothing would be manufactured to a common utilitarian standard allowing for some personal preferences but not permitting a clothing heirarchy
to be established.
All honorifics would be abolished to be replaced with the non-gender, non-elitist "citizen".
I would get all the communities to contribute to an egalitarian bureau of auditing. The first task of this bureau is to audit the food suplies of
every community and ensure that food is shared to those communities which have been short changed during the transition period. Only the minimum of
food will change hands to ensure the survival of those in need.
Once the transition period is over, the auditing bureau's over-riding task will be to oversee each commuity to ensure that no one individual or group
acquires too much power and destroys the democracy of its community.
I would set up regular, routine sharing conferences to ensure that knowledge which is in abundance in a community is shared with the others.
Knowldege and expertise will not be permitted to be sold and must be dispersed free of charge. Any major facility such as hospitals which may be
within the boundaries of a particular community will be required to provide services free of charge but the communities who partake of its services
will have to contribute such as providing staff, food, laboratory, repair services etc.
Communities which have high-level education facilities must offer those facilites free of charge to surrounding communities. The surrounding
communities must contribute to the education facility by providing teachers, food etc in the same way as for hospitals. Lower-level education is the
responsibility of each community.
Each community will be permitted to deal with slackers in its own way.
All entertaiment of a violent nature would be severely restricted. Any violence depicted would need to be done in a totally realistic way including
the effects on the community and individuals and the people producing the work would have to be able to convince a panel of community representatives
that it is absolutely necessary to the story and also offers benefit to the community.
Entertainment involving non-kinky, non-violent, safe, heterosexual sex between consenting adults would be less restricted to put it more clearly into
the role of normal human behaviour and take away much of the obsession ( and its associated problems) that society has now.
Communities would be encouraged to maximise religious freedoms and to keep church and state well separated. All communities would be monitored by the
auditing department to ensure that all members of the community remained in that community of their own free will. Any dissenting member would be
relocated on request without penalty providing the destination community was willing.
My overwhelming desire would be to empower every individual to enjoy a long, productive life free of fear and unfairness.