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Are these saucers, disguised in clouds?

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posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by alhambrial
Again I could just have an overactive imagination.

I think that's it. I looked through your pictures, but all I saw were clouds. And the latest one with a "dragon" head is a cloud as well.


posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by alhambrial
I'm really sorry guys, I'm not trying to spoof you or waste your time. I'm asking for opinions and I guess the answer is steer clear of ufo shaped clouds.

However, I've not shown the best yet, I'm holding back some. Here is a slightly better one, this one seems to be a V-shaped craft built around a saucer. There seems to be a forward "neck" to the front which I think is animal styled, "think Viking Dragon boat". Again I could just have an overactive imagination.

The area I won't reveal yet, I want to do a few more field trips to it yet first but I will in the future. I discovered it searching for big big (that might be seen from altitude, ) Geoglyphs on Google Earth, and this is an area not far from where I live.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by alhambrial]

ZOMG! It's here! THE TRUTH IS HERE! GR haters step down! I have been following the drone/GR stories for years now and have finally come up with enough evidence, and I do mean this cruedly drawn out discription of this captivating photograph, to present this picture and the other evidence listed to the public world and all news broadcasters across the nation. They will be swept off their feet in shock in awe, as the pictures of these "cloud aliens" come in by the dozens! They will be warned of the impending doom predicted, if not actually scheduled by our very trust worthy and close friend Ghost Raven. Wake up people, the truth is out there, this just isn't it......

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Beamish
Hi alambrial.

Sorry, but I can't see anything anomalous. Maybe we need a meteorologist/cloudspotter to take a look. Anybody out there that can help?

You called?

They're just ordinary stratocumulus - most common cloud type we get on Earth.

(Seeing the thread title I was expecting at the very least some nice lenticular clouds

Whilst it's possible for an aircraft to hide in such clouds, the pictures themselves show nothing anomalous that I can see.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 06:14 AM
Looks like its about to rain...hope ET has an umbrella

Please read ABOUT ATS: Warnings for one-line or short responses

[edit on 28/6/07 by masqua]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by alhambrial
I'm really sorry guys, I'm not trying to spoof you or waste your time. I'm asking for opinions and I guess the answer is steer clear of ufo shaped clouds.

However, I've not shown the best yet, I'm holding back some. Here is a slightly better one,

[edit on 28-6-2007 by alhambrial]

Can a mod move this to the Skunkworks. If the 911 forum wont tolerate nonsensical cr*p then why should the UFO community.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:53 AM
I'm amazed people can't see it. Its truly bizarre that I can see them so clearly and others can't, something is very weird here, clouds yes, but with windows, surely that merits a closer look?

From the dragonboat picture I can see lots of other saucers around it in the bigger picture. This one shows the one that's more overhead, its bottom turret shape is visible but the main saucer is more obscured by cloud. The bowspirit of this one is more clear and closer and seems to be an animal statue. Most of the saucers I saw have this bowspirit, but each have different designs.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:33 AM
Can someone answer me why we are only allowed 10 people on our ignore list?

Id be up to about 50+ if there wasnt a limit.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 09:46 AM
Forget dragons and UFOs, I've found a huge elephant disguised as a cloud!

And another!

And yet another!!!!

The skies are full of elephants!

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Essan
Forget dragons and UFOs, I've found a huge elephant disguised as a cloud!

And another!

And yet another!!!!

The skies are full of elephants!

I see the elephants.

Unfortunately, I still don't see the turrets or the windows in the other pics though. Sorry.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by rocksolidbrain
LOL...if they are disguised as clouds then its almost perfect disguise because I looked at those pics for a good 5 min and could not see anything at all....

Perhaps these are clouds posing as saucers...

Thats what i was going to say!!!!!

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 10:59 AM
Ok I thought it was some innocent joke but it has crossed the line. Guys, this man is pulling your legs, just ignore and move on.

Circling some random clouds and calling it a ufo, dragon, windows, writing etc etc is either a sign of sick sense of humor or a mental problem or a deliberate attempt to provoke you.

Probably he is getting some kicks out of this sick joke when he knows that most of the people here are already on the border...

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:04 AM
Sorry man but I only see clouds and when you circle them, I only see circled clouds.

There are no UFO's disguised in these photos, but hey...keep watching the skies! You may eventually catch something more thread-worthy.

Originally posted by Flyer
Can someone answer me why we are only allowed 10 people on our ignore list?

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Have a look at THESE clouds! Lol! Are they hiding UFOs or are they UFOs? These are nothing but lenticular clouds.

Just like the UFOs in Independence Day, what?


posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 03:52 PM
Ok, I thought I'd find like minds on here, I'm astounded no-one else sees it, but I do wonder about the depth of my perception on this stuff, compressing the images to jpg doesnt help.

Still windows in clouds should make people suspicious, It does me? Hmm? Maybe that's something to subconsciously ignore, its probably beyond most people though I guess.

My question originally was are these UFO's hidden in clouds? I put this up in a polite newbie fashion, the answer should have been either yes or no, and seemingly should have been no in most peoples perception. If no then, fair enough, and my next idea would have been to get some better imaging equipment and try again.

The answer I did get though, is that its a totally freaked out, messed up, warped, mentalist attitude to look for UFO's in clouds, I'm spoofing, having a sicko laugh, or I'm mentally ill for even suggesting such a thing, and I'm scum sucking muckraker. The vitriol of this response is very suspicious.

My next question is, and please, please answer this, is, why is it so wrong to look for UFO's in clouds? Why is that not cool? If I had a UFO and I went to a planet with a less civilized society and wanted to observe them, I'd hide mine in a cloud. The key principle of stealth or camoflage surely is to blend into the background. Well in the sky the only thing you can blend in with is clouds? Why is that such an alien concept for UFO hunting?

Are there any other pictures of saucer shaped clouds with windows in existance? Lets see em if so?

[edit on 28-6-2007 by alhambrial]

[edit on 28-6-2007 by alhambrial]

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 05:58 PM
It's not that UFOs couldn't conceivably hide in clouds, it's that no one but you can see anything but normal cloud coverage in those pictures you posted. Usually, when I'm the only one that can see something, I tend to think it's my silly brain playing tricks again.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 01:31 AM
hey i see the shapes. and i think to an extent they do look like UFOs or gunships of some sort, but i have never personally seen a UFO firsthand so i can't compare it.

it is definately neat, and the one you showed with what appeared to be 2 "gunships" if you will seemed pretty cool to me. i think the idea is very possible (blending in with clouds using some technology we aren't aware of, or maybe we are aware of
). but i also think that is very possible that it is just a coincidence.

some of the guys on this thread need to chill out imho. he is just asking questions, no need to be a jerk about it. if you don't like it or think its stupid don't even waste your time posting about it, or putting it on ignore. I would be pretty mad if i posted an honost but perhaps silly thread, and people saying I WISH I COULD IGNORE MORE PEOPLE is just rude and stupid, and quite immature in my opinion


edit: although i must say the bowspirit on the top most one reminds me of yogi bear. heyyy there booboo!

[edit on 29-6-2007 by DollyDagger]

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 02:51 AM
guys...It's just clouds, okay? You know what, i was raised in Chartres, a city with a huge cathedral, which is so well-known it is featured in the Sim City game (lol) . Well, someday, a great photographer took a picture of the Cathedral from 1 km distance, the weather was stormy, the clouds were very dark, mixed with lower white clouds.
Anyway, my parents were offered this pic by a friend, and my father was immediately struck by what he saw. The Christ ! he spent lots of time describing to everybody the eyes, the beard, the smile on Jesus's face, he was so enthousiast he convincend almost every friend of his that this was a "sign" .
I had lunch and dinner in front of it for the last 15 years, and all i see is a bunch of stormy clouds gathering around the cathedral. Clouds and interpretation of such things are unconscious stuff. You see what you want to see.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by alhambrial
Ok, I thought I'd find like minds on here, I'm astounded no-one else sees it..

The answer I did get though, is that its a totally freaked out, messed up, warped, mentalist attitude to look for UFO's in clouds, I'm spoofing, having a sicko laugh, or I'm mentally ill for even suggesting such a thing, and I'm scum sucking muckraker. The vitriol of this response is very suspicious.

Relax alhambrial! You don't need to get too sentimental! It takes all types to make the world (including ATS!). So chill!

My next question is, and please, please answer this, is, why is it so wrong to look for UFO's in clouds? Why is that not cool? If I had a UFO and I went to a planet with a less civilized society and wanted to observe them, I'd hide mine in a cloud. The key principle of stealth or camouflage surely is to blend into the background. Well in the sky the only thing you can blend in with is clouds? Why is that such an alien concept for UFO hunting?

Nope! You seem to be way off the mark here! WE would think of cam as blending with the background - a concept followed since the early days of warfare.

But remember, if we are dealing with aliens whose technology is probably millions of years ahead of us, why would they think of hiding behind or blending with the clouds for camouflage? They would just use their cloaking technology or whatever to become invisible. There could be a darn UFO in your backyard and you wouldn't know it!


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