posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:05 AM
It's just like a square circle! Impossible. But it's been there since Nibiru zoomed out of the Solar System! So are we waiting for it to come back
before doing something to correct this darn flaw which makes me giggle each time I look at it?
Now what the devil am I talking about? Check out the topics in the home page:
Example 1
Important Current Topics (as flagged by members)
Illegals light border fires to sidetrack U.S. agents
Illegals light border fires to sidetrack U.S. agents "U.S. Border Patrol agents...
flags: 9, replies: 27, views: 0
Example 2
Hizb-ut-Tahrir Takes Control Over Kindergarden
Hizb-ut-Tahrir has taken control over a kindergarden in Copenhagen, Denmark. They...
flags: 7, replies: 9, views: 0
Now how is it that VIEWS are always = 0 when it's been flagged and replied to a number of times? How is this done without viewing a thread?
Or am I missing something here? Can someone please elaborate? Thanx in advance!
[edit on 27-6-2007 by mikesingh]