YIKES I guess it's been awhile. I finally dug out of a box that 3 ring Binder I alluded to.
June 23,1997, my now deceased eldest brother, Peter Loedding, sent a letter to PA Senator Rick Santorum.
The Senator's office sent a stack about an inch thick of info on Alfred C. Loedding Born 02/17/1906, died 10/10/1963.
At the time of my Uncle's death he was GS-0861, Grade 14/I. He was then assigned to
AF Systems Command
Eastern Contract Management Region
Scientific & Technical Liaison Office
Langley AFB, VA
AF Form 1413, Feb 60 is an Award Certificate given by AFSC Scientific & Technical Liaison Office to Alfred C. Loedding. He was granted an award of
$25, $25!!!!!! for his invention (#8553) of the Winglet Drogue for Aerial Refueling.
More to follow, if anyone is interested.
Here is what torques my jaw: when I listen to talk radio programs who have guests such as John Lear, Jim Marrs, Richard C. Hoagland, and others who
have investigated Projects Sign, PaperClip, Blue Book and other UFO related subjects, Alfred Loedding is virtually ignored. Some of these Talk Radio
Programs have "Fast Blast" and I have lost count of the "Fast Blasts" I have sent, all ignored.
A.C. Loedding was no "Small Peanuts" "Second String" player in UFO investigations and Aeronautical Engineering with the U.S. Army Air Corps which
became the U.S. Air Force.
Anyhow, I have more info, if anyone is interested, just post a reply here.