posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:34 PM
You say that you live on the top floor, are there are folk living on the floor below? Only one possibility that occurs to me is that it could be
negative energy emanating from there. Might be an idea to speak to your neighbours, find out if they're experiencing anything similar and maybe see
if you can get a feeling as to whether or not they might be the source of it. I don't think that it's likely to be some kind of haunting or residue
energy from previous occupants otherwise you would almost certainly have felt it well before now, probably within days of moving in. If you have
recently brought something new into the place, particularly something second-hand, it could be something attached to that, or maybe something left
behind by someone who called on you, probably someone outside of your regular visitors. Look for something that could be a catalyst, that would have
occurred right before it started.
Whatever the cause, of course, you'll be wanting rid of it. One thing that I would do in such a situation is just give the place real good clean out
- top to bottom. Get yourself some incense ready to hand, then when you've cleaned the place, open as many windows as you can and light the incense
- you could take it into each room or just leave it nearest to where you feel the focus of negativity is. You could try what's known as
dragonsblood, which is supposed to drive out unwanted energies, or a combination of frankincense and myrrh, which works more by bringing positive
higher spiritual energies to a place (and the ingredients are a lot easier to get a hold of.) If you want to and are so-inclined, you could use
prayer whilst you're doing all this, and that may help.
Another thing that you might consider is that it might not be the building atall. Is it possible that you have become the focus of some resentment,
maybe by someone at work perhaps? Only, it could be that they are lying in their own bed of a night and brooding over it all and somehow the
negativity is managing to reach you. If so, the solution may be simply to find a way to clear the air with that person.
[edit on 26-6-2007 by skjalddis]