posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 10:07 AM
I have only been on ATS a short while and I have been excited then let down by repeating disclosure dates that come and go.
Posters are typically new members who often claim involvement with the Industrial Military Complex in some way.
They never give us anything to examine and verify because they feel it will reveal who they are.
They also answer direct questions with I cant tell you or I dont know answers, which just serve to deepen the mystery with out any further
confirmation of their claims.
I suggest to the MODS that when a thread like this happens where the poster claims to be in the know, they are instructed to prove it.
In the UFO forum, people who claim sightings are usually not given hundreds of pages of attention if they do not provide a photo or video.
What im suggesting is there are people who just want to be the center of attention and it is serving to them that they get this much attention with
nothing but words and no proof.
If a real UFO insider wants to disclose something, I would think they would send a photo, video or documents for all to examine.