posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:39 PM
Please excuse my writing because I am not very good at it. I have been trying to research on my own now for years of the experience I had and I'm
starting to look to forums for other peoples experiences and what the think of the situation. I had an experience I couple of years back when my
father was about to leave for war. I prayed for legions of Angels and St. Michael to watch over my father and keep him safe and sound while I was very
upset. I know...a pretty tall order coming from a young man. I was 21 at the time and I demanded it. I was not asking, it was more like telling God.
That probably came about because I myself am a military man. I am level headed, strong, and I was not into angels and all that jazz at the time. I
opened my eyes and saw a dark hooded figure kneeling beside my bed with its hands near my chest. The figure was dressed in a black cloak, and the hood
was large and shadowed the eyes. But I felt a female presence and the nose and lips were definitly female. When I came to full realization that there
was a figure showing next to my bed I jumped up and fell out of my bed trying to escape as fast as possible. I creeped my head up to look at the other
side of my bed when my cohonas kicked in and the figure remained and I screamed. I blinked and it was gone.
The next day before my father left to go to Iraq, he told me he stopped into our church we attend every once in a while, and he kneeled and prayed.
While he was there a female came up to him and said your gaurdian angel is a female and she will watch over you. My father went numb by this stranger
telling him that. He did not understand what she was talking about. I told my father the story in the morning after he got back from church and was
getting ready to go to the airport of what happened the night before to me. He started crying and told me the story of this lady approaching him. He
told me that he tried to walk after her after the initial shock of hearing what she said but she was no where to be found. I am not spicing this up or
making this to be religious. But something major happened that night and the next morning. I could only rational it as...I was praying to my fathers
gaurdian angel and during the intense emotion I was feeling she appeared. After my initial reaction of panic of seing a body in my room I felt a
satisfaction that everything was going to work out okay. My father returned home from Iraq safe and sound.