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Should the Brits ban long kitchen knives to curb domestic violence?

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posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:59 AM
The Brits have banned firearms but now the citizens are resorting to their long kitchen knives to perform domestic violence. Concerned politicians are considering new laws to ban those long and dangerous kitchen utensils! Our bread is already sliced and also our hams so who would want these potentially dangerous knives in British homes anyway?

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 03:43 AM
Even if we are unable to purchase new knifes there is still the issue of the knifes that people already have. Given a reasonable amount of care, a knife can last for years, possibly even longer.

The bigger issue is the fact that knifes can be bought in supermarkets now as a single unit. They should be sold as a set. That simple change would put chance knife attacks on the streets down right away.

I know the ban is related more to curbing domestic violence, but where where isn't a knife there is still a cricket bat, a heavy pan, etc.

[edit on 25-6-2007 by not_fazed]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:30 AM
What a great idea for the worlds biggest nanny state. No guns, no knives, no baseball bats, no sticks, no stones, etc.?

Arent there enough cameras there to prevent all the violence yet? Oh, "domestic" violence? Just ask your gov't to please put some cameras in each of your homes. One in the kitchen, the living room, heck- each bedroom! Why not? It's for your own good!

If you guys cant sit quietly together and watch a "football" match without trying to kill eachother, the world must think you're all savages...

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:51 AM
Dont forget clenched fists. Anyone caught with a clenched fist will have their hand promptly removed at the wrist lest it be used as a weapon.

No role either. Pretty soon everyone will be walking around in same color jumpsuits with no belts, no shoelaces and forced to keep their hands in their pockets until they arrive at their destination. Just like prison.

And dont knock them as being a nanny state. Things arent much better here and any encroachment on any peoples liberty by any government should be denounced and stood up against. Name caalling and finger pointing is keeping us divided against the real enemy. Nationaly we have political fanboys fighting over R's and D's and internationally we point and laugh at another nations overbearing government all while that government happens to be painfully friendly with our own. Does that make any sense?

Ill start shipping kitchen knives and cricket bats over seas if I have to.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:15 AM
What about ice picks, oyster shuckers, paring knives and and almost any sharp pointed object?

What about the proverbial "blunt objects?"

This string of measures by the political left proves the idiocy of banning guns in the first place.

In Britain, gun crime has gone up since the gun ban and the same is true in Australia.

Gun Ban in England-Google Search

Gun Ban in Australia-Google Search

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:00 AM
Bloody'ell...just what kind of a moronic country is this place turning into??
What next...will we be told that we're not even allowed to carry a sharpened pencil in public?

I call for a devolution of 'Up North'...lets get our breadknives out, sever the nation along the Watford Gap and set London and Westminster adrift in the Channel

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:34 AM
My bread or ham does not come sliced and I like it that way!!!

Domestic violence will not end if you get rid of knifes in the home. A TV remote can be used to beat some to death, so can a table light. Are we just going to live in darken rooms with nothing in them.

We have to educate people that this is wrong and not acceptable and we need to provide safe homes and social services that will react when some one calls.

Rather than spending time and money on banning everything, and I still see no reason or value in banning firearms, we should get on with making society just a better place and educate personal responsibilty to every one rather than expecting the state to take responsibity.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:52 AM
If someone wants to kill or injure someone else, not letting us have knives isn't going to stop it I'm afraid.

When and if the time comes for us to fight either an invader or our own government, were going to have to use colourful and scary faces. We wont be able to use anything else, our government is so afraid of it's own citizens that they think banning everything will sort it out.

It's pathetic, we are told to be grateful of our freedom, when in reality we are like chickens in a coop.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by plumranch
The Brits have banned firearms but now the citizens are resorting to their long kitchen knives to perform domestic violence. Concerned politicians are considering new laws to ban those long and dangerous kitchen utensils! Our bread is already sliced and also our hams so who would want these potentially dangerous knives in British homes anyway?

I agree wholeheartedly with you and I would suggest that, that law be brought in exactly the same time that firearms are made illegal in the US.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Dont forget the toaster oven, your phone, your pillows, your shoestrings, your belts, your long hair, your computers ( you can look up info ) Libraries, talking to other people,

Hell why doesnt britain just put everyone into Pods and Harvest them for energy.

People can kill you with a finger in the proper place. Or even a spare tire it doesnt matter, and Im not sure why Britain isnt having huge riots over this.

Police state, Police state. Give me your rights for your freedom.

All your freedoms are belonging to us!

[edit on 25-6-2007 by Tranceopticalinclined]

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