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New study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth: No Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon

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posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Tahlen
To Caustic Logic.

You have either been just listening to your government and don't believe anything otherwise, or you are so uneducated that you don't understand the events of 9/11.

Hmmm... having a hard time figuring which of these MUST be true. I can't chose. So let's just say I'm ignorant and a sheep-person. Does that sound about right?

Take a look at the amount of new people who come forward all the time with new information.

much that should be tagged with either "mis" or "dis" depending.

Take a look at previous actions of your government. Take a look at the amount of popularity the Iraq war had just after 9/11, compared to now. Do you think the reason for the massive swing in the polls is do to the fact the US cant win the war there. Or do you think maybe that alot people have come to realize what actually went on during that dreadful day?

Probably a bit of both, but mostly the popularity of the war is I'd guess caused by the war. Not by people deciding no 757 hit the Pentagon. People who firmly believe that are people who trust CT leaders to analyze the case for them and don't gice a rat's ass about the truth. Sorry. You wouldn't be talking like that if YOU knew the full range of actual evidence.

Take a look at the amount of experts who have put their knowledge to use and exposed many of the things in the Commission Report to be false. Take a look at the amount of military personnel that have come forward on many matters regarding this. It is all on the internet.

Yes... Pilots for 911 Truth, the altitude and north path issues, the PentaCon, Stubblebine, Nelson, Bowman, etc... Here, I've been keeping track

I think you are just afraid to look at facts about your government. The US government is not a government at all. It is just an entity that is actually robbing American citizens of their constitutional rights.

No real disagreement there, tho it goes beyond constitutional rights. With modern technology, propaganda, psyops, etc. they can mold us like wet dirt. They got the WWII type mindset going on - at least in the heartand. We're in a generatinal struggle now thanks to the New Pearl Harbor - how convenient.

Oh but I can't see that cause I'm an ignorant sheep. Now people looking for the truth get branded as ignorant because they chose to believe one part of the gov. story is physically true, based on the evidence, because it counters a thousand well-coordinated clear and obvious lies to the contrary trying to mold themselves as "911 Truth."

So you see why I'm not giving up on this? I'm driven. 9/11 Truth with an emphasis on TRUTH, not just the flip opposite of the overall government lies. This means looking closely, sorry you haven't done the same.

The American people need to demand all information from 9/11.

Why? What have they done with what they already have access to?
But I agree. We need to see what we can, and if some idiocy happens, well what else is new. Wisdom will win sooner or later.

The government should be overthrown and a new government set in place.

That's dangerous to say but could be correct. The founding fathers knew it could happen sometime, but we are not prepared to follow through - or maybe even to know WHEN and WHY it's time to act. We got some good clues here ...

Looking at many of your posts in this thread alone I can honestly say that you are one of the few on these boards that lacks intellect. Saying that the original government story lines up pretty well really does show your lack of understanding.

You know how much that insult stings? NADA!

You can argue with people on these boards all you want, but nothing changes many of the lies you have been led to believe.
I only have so much time and there's so many of you...

The ignorant part of this is also that you turn your head in the face of any evidence that proves you or your government wrong.

Again, I only have so much time and there's so many of you...
You all seem to think like a hive, so why can't you share and diffuse my rebuttals?

This is really sad and is why the US is in the state it is in right now.

Yeah, sorry about the whole ruining the country thing. Maybe I should just step aside for y'all's brilliant 9/11 Truth we know movement. You're storming the gates with the hard undeniable truth and far be it from me to just gum up the works. I'll be watching the news and getting ready to flee with the other gov't apologists once the truth has won.

Now tell me, as far as knowing things like, say, your opponent in a debate, who is the ignorant one here? You have mischaracterized my beliefs, motives, intelligence, and autonomy repeatedly here. Have I got you pegged wrong in any way?


[edit on 27-6-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:59 PM
Since the US Government won't release any conclusive footage of the Pentagon being hit I don't think I'll comment on that, but as far as the WTC goes I do believe it was attacked by planes. I do believe them to be commercial passenger jets. I've watched all the videos, read many articles, seen all the documentaries (well maybe not all :p) and I have no doubt that the WTC was struck by planes. I would still call other events (such as the use of explosive charges, the Truck underneath the WTC complex, the other building/s that mysteriously collapsed) into question, and I would also go as far as to suggest that there was more than a few Al-Qaeda members that carried out the attacks. But I fear that the truth has been buried forever under more off-the-wall conspiracy theories than the real attackers could ever of dreamed of.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Chupa101
Since the US Government won't release any conclusive footage of the Pentagon being hit I don't think I'll comment on that,

a rare flash of intelligence

but as far as the WTC goes I do believe it was attacked by planes. I do believe them to be commercial passenger jets. I've watched all the videos, read many articles, seen all the documentaries (well maybe not all :p) and I have no doubt that the WTC was struck by planes. I would still call other events (such as the use of explosive charges, the Truck underneath the WTC complex, the other building/s that mysteriously collapsed) into question, and I would also go as far as to suggest that there was more than a few Al-Qaeda members that carried out the attacks.

Sounds fair enough... I'm still not totaly convinced of demos there, but it makes way more sense than the anything-but arguments that have dominated the Pentagon attack debate.

But I fear that the truth has been buried forever under more off-the-wall conspiracy theories than the real attackers could ever of dreamed of.

I'll have to let others handle, for example, WTC no-plane theories. But in this case at least, you're right about the burying, and that's why I'm here with shovel in hand. Holding this truth spade also helps me remember to call one one. And that's why I love metaphors.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 05:33 PM
I have posted a full rebuttal to Fetzer's PR and analysis of the Pilots-Scholars synergy at my blogsite

I really think this will ultimately go down as not a wise move on Fetzer's part, even if that's not evident to many at the moment. No matter what your opinion on this issue, his take is wrong. There is still AT LEAST reasonable doubt of their anti-theory and to pretend otherwise is dishonest.

One of the deepest ironies revealed in Fetzer’s missive is that Fetzer “retired last June after 35 years of teaching courses in logic, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning.” Well, how could one argue with the logical conclusions of a renowned logic expert? Well, I’ll try it caustically. Fact is, what this background of his shows to me is that he knows exactly what he’s doing – elevating a fraud to guiding principle of the “Truth Movement” he claims a leadership role in to arrive at “truth.”

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