posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:51 PM
As with most medications currently on the market there are both positive and negetive side-effects of taking those medications. Just because Nicotine
has been found to help alleviate certain medical conditions and can be used as an effective pain reliever does not mean there are no side-effects to
it as well. Nicotine, even for some of the beneficial purposes it serves, has also been found to worsen or bring about certain other conditions
including: Heart Disease, Temporomandibular Joint Disease, Diabetes, Liver and Kidney Diseases, and Stomach Ulcers but to name a few. Another common
problem is that Nicotine is highly addictive, and oftentimes patients will begin to overdose on medications with Nicotine and bring about the effects
from the drug. It essentially triggers certain receptors in the brains neuron cells to release a higher rate of Dopamine into the brain thus creating
the sense of "need", and creates a similar feeling of pleasure that Cocaine and Heroine produce. On top of that, Nicotine does not have to be
smoked to see it trigger this need in humans.
Nicotine binds to certain nerve cell receptors commonly known as Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors. There are an abundance of Nicotinic Receptors and
their specific functions are varied but the common problem with Nicotine is that it particularly binds to these receptors and prohibits the thought
process of the brain. By increasing the flow between these receptors it also increase the amount of the horomone Adrenaline which causes heart rate
to increase from the direct effect on a subjects blood pressure, and kicks up the amount of Glucose found in the blood. Now, this is not to say that
Nicotine based medications cannot serve a purpose. For example, a fairly new medication known as ABT-418 has been tested and researched, and what
they found is that it lessens the symptoms of ADHD.
One thing to remember about Cigarettes in particular is that the Nicotine they contain is merely one of the many ingredients in their products. Just
do a google search and see how much information there is about the "other" ingredients in Cigarettes, and Nicotine barely touches the tip of the
iceberg when it comes to the harmful ingredients contained in brand name Cigarettes such as Philip Morris, R.J. Reynolds, etc. My problem isn't
necessarily with the Tobacco and Nicotine themselves, but instead with the hundreds of other products that are found in Tobacco based products in the
modern age. It is my own proposition that effective medications will one day be found without the harmful side effects that come with Nicotine based
medications, and medical researchers are currently testing and doing trials on such medications.
-Interesting side note that some people do not know- Nicotine was one of the first effective Insecticides developed by humans, and was cultivated
directly from the Tobacco plant.