posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 07:12 PM
I would tend to favor the space station/Atlantis explanation.
The fog hadn't rolled in when I posted last night, so the sky was clear.
Both lights seemed to follow exactly the same trajectory, as I mentioned in my post. Their movement was very smooth and they were about 20 or so
seconds apart (from when I saw the first "dissapear" to when I saw the second come into my line of view.
They looked exactly like Venus (as seen w/ the naked eye) but not quite so large (much brighter than any of the other stars in the sky).
Definitely not a spot light, as I live on Valencia and 16th, near the ballpark, I know the difference.
The last time I remember looking out of my window for more than a second or so without seeing airplanes/helicopters was on 9/11, so I see them all
the time, and I've never seen lights like these before.
The fact that both lights seemed to fade (I say fade, but it wasn't a slow thing, not quite a blink either, difficult to explain) at exactly the
same place in the sky was to me the strangest part, and did bring up images in my mind of something that was reflecting light and suddenly moved into
shadow (much as a orbiting craft would do I guess). They were just so bright - which made me thing they were closer to Earth than the space station,
but who knows...