posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 06:11 AM
Nobody with a modicum of integrity can accurately debunk what we are seeing on this particular shuttle mission. Last year, we saw all the excuses
under the sun - space debris, aluminium foil, plastic bags, washers - even though the things were moving in triangular formations and basically saying
to everyone "we are here".
This time around, we are seeing the same stuff. The return of the "wiggly worm". The return of the crafts flying in formation. Screaming across the
skies and blinking rapidly, reminds me very much of the footage taken by the amateur cameraman at Dickinson North Dakota in front of the moon in
nightshot mode (this event is discussed at ATS, you can search and find it).
The anchors seem speechless having to describe what they are seeing, it's like they think if they play dumb then we the viewer will pretend we don't
Why don't they just turn the Nasa TV channel off completely? It's frankly embarrassing. They are not doing a very good job of trying to hide this
stuff. They should just come out with it right now, admit they've been caught with their pants down for years now. I can't believe they are
continuing to broadcast this footage, it's like "oh never mind that burglar on the CCTV, let him steal the Crown Jewels, honestly, don't worry
about it".