posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 11:28 PM
Mayne of you have probably heard of the Metal Gear Solid series. And many of you have probably played it. If you have, then no doubt you'd know about
The Patriots. If you haven't, then let me inform you..
The Patriots started out as the American branch of The Philosophers, an international group. They, The Patriots, have complete control over America.
They stage all the elections, regulate what's on your television, and even have a hand in what people do. Because they control the media, they also
(in part) control things such as your interests and the like. You don't know if that friend of yours who recently became a senator is actually
working for The Patriots. That sort of thing... at least in the MGS series...
...but the point is, how can we tell if an organization like this really exists? If it did, the first thought I had was that they'd not let the MGS
series come out.. but then again, if they do, they know that hardly anyone is going to believe it and that would make them even safer than before....
Seriously, is it possible that such an organization really IS in control of the US? That democracy is just something to fill textbooks?