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Mark Echo did it... So did Dick Cheney.

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Just a bit ago I was reading through the Raython involved in 911??? thread,

Look at it, everyone should...

Within that thread is a link to very good article questioning the events of September 11, 2001, but especially how a number of Raython employees who were working on unmanned aircraft, including the retrofitting of passenger airplanes to be 'pilotless'
were onboard the aircraft used as terrorist missles to attack the WTC and Pentagon.

Wow. Kinda of blew my mind... The exact people who were developing a technology that would allow the remote control of passenger aircraft happened to be on those planes. So it could be possible that they 'disappeared' because they knew too many secrets about a false flag operation carried out by the Military Industrial Complex where their technology was either used as an override, or the planes themselves were not actually passenger aircraft but something else.

And I got to thinking...
I remembered reading that both planes to hit the towers were Boing 767s, as was the one that hit the Pentagon. After looking at the wikipedia article, , about Boeing 767s, I was a bit surprised that 767s (KC-767) are also sold to the military to be used as Tankers to refuel their jets mid air... So the military had the jets, jets with way more fuel in them too...

How would they hide the fact that a KC767 looks a bit drabber than a commercial airliner...?

Then I remembered a video of Mark Echo tagging Air Force One from a while back on Youtube that was used as a Viral Marketing Campaign in anticipation of his new first person graffiti video game (New then, not now!)...

At first it caused some outrage and disbelief, but then the blogosphere/major media was able to deflate the Viral Marketing Campaign... and find out that it was a hoax...

But if Mark Echo can get someone to paint a 747 to look like Airforce One, I am sure the military could paint some 767s to look like American and United aircraft... And then 'disappear' the creators of the technology.... I don't know....

Maybe this theory will get tossed aside, and be considered a 'fringe theory' like missles and holograms... All I know is that the more I personally look at the events that unfolded that day, and those afterwards, there seem to be way too many coincidences that benefitted a very select group of people financially/politically...

Why did Dick Cheney not order all the 'hijacked' planes shot down?

Doc Moreau

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:21 PM
You have to start to connect the dots from the beginning I would think.

Like the early days of Raytheon, the Company was first known as the American Appliance Co. and later they found that the name had prior claim and it had to be changed. 3 men started this business back in 1920's two former college roommates Laurence K Marshall and Vannever Bush they formed the company with Charles G. Smith, Scientist.

I give you the link to read but what I want you to connect is this Vannevar Bush name is on the MJ12 list isn't that interesting.

One last thing that I thought interesting is "Raytheon-Light of the Gods"
Ray comes from the French word that means " a beam of light" while theon comes from the Greek and means "from the Gods" if you do some research one thing leads to another and Grandpa Preston B... and the Rockerfeller's and dealing with weapons shipping to the Nazi's to Daddy B... head of the FB.... then Pres. and best bud Cheney up to you know who GW and you guessed it Cheney again., phew Raytheon certainly does have a history.

The only thing I can not connect is if there is any connection (family history between Vannevar Bush the other B........'s) I think all this through time is connected to 9/11 sounds nuts I know.

edit to add:

[edit on 19-6-2007 by observe50]

edit to add:

[edit on 19-6-2007 by observe50]

sorry for all the edits but maybe you can start to connect dots to where we are now with the twin towers and the war on terror.

[edit on 19-6-2007 by observe50]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 06:13 PM
What I write here is only my opinion but many of you might agree with this.

I think the next election has already been decided and it will go one of two ways.

I think first off that GW.'s daddy has gotten really buddy buddy lately with a Dem. Bill Clinton and Hillary is up there on the top. It wouldn't surprise me if she has been bought and paid for (with or without her knowledge) but I'm sure Bill's behind it with daddy.


Something very bad is going to happen (cough-cough) and GW will issue that Executive Order that he remain Pres.

Either way we are scre...

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 06:14 PM
Thanks for the links...

Some very troubling information that a large percentage of Americans probably could care less about... They would much rather watch 'Reality' TV...

What is so troublesome is that even if we could get that 'large percentage' to pay attention, they would never be able to believe it. " Jorge Arbusto's family are "Nazis"? no way!" You know?

Anyway, thanks for checking out my thread... I definitely think that if a hip hop clothing mogul has the clout to get someone to make a mock Air Force One, Slick Dick, Arbusto Jr. and the rest of the Traitorious Terror Squad could easily get some remote control gas tankers repainted, and slam em into some buildings... especially during a coincidental nationwide aerial wargames... Something stinks in the state of Denmark.

And the whole, "we never dreamed this could happen" scenario that was the party line after the attacks, come on.... I can understand if the FBI/CIA agents never watched "The Lone Gunman" pilot... but I imagine that at least a few read Tom Clancy's "Debt of Honor" in 1994...
From Wikipedia:

In a parallel to the real-life September 11, 2001, attacks seven years after the book's publication, the book ends with an embittered Japanese airline pilot crashing his Boeing 747 into the U.S. Capitol building during a joint session of Congress with the President attending. He does this to avenge the deaths of his brother and son during the war. This paves the way for Ryan, who has just been appointed Vice President, to become President in the next book, Executive Orders.

I don't know the truth... but I want to.
Doc Moreau

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Anything I am posting is 'my opinion' after being glued to the television on Sept. 11, 2001, hoping to see a glimpse of my uncle who used to work in the towers (he left after the first plane hit, and walked all the way home to Staten Island)... I watched all the footage that day, and something didn't sit right. I remember a grey haired fireman on the scene being interviewed and him saying that he was positive that there were bomb explosions in the building. I never saw a replay of that interview, but it sat wrong with me... Once I started looking for it, I found a whole lot more than I bargained for...

I am not here to debate "steel strength" or "noseouts"...

Only to offer my thoughts and opinions.... Anyone else is welcome to do the same, but rudeness will not be tolerated... Let this thread be the place where unknown facts and free speech can provide a dialogue that the 911 Comission could not bring themselves to have or really investigate.

Doc Moreau

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 11:08 PM

I remembered reading that both planes to hit the towers were Boing 767s, as was the one that hit the Pentagon. After looking at the wikipedia article, , about Boeing 767s, I was a bit surprised that 767s (KC-767) are also sold to the military to be used as Tankers to refuel their jets mid air... So the military had the jets, jets with way more fuel in them too..

Umm, no the US Air Force does NOT own any KC-767s. The contract was cancelled before the first jet was delivered.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 11:16 PM
Not only was the contract canceled they didn't even FLY the KC-767 until late 2005. If they WERE KC-767s you would STILL have structural modifications that would make it obvious. The first being the refueling boom and mounts for it. You couldn't just "paint a KC-767 like American or United planes". The second problem with your first post was that the Pentagon was hit by a 757 not a 767.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:16 PM
Ok, I didn't know that about the KC767... Thank you.

So is it not still possible that the 767s were remote controlled, and the Raython employees got disappeared because they know too much?

And no comment about how if a Hip Hop clothing mogul can repaint a plane to look like Air Force One, couldn't 'terrorists' do the same?

And when I say 'terrorists' I mean those who were looking for a "New Pearl Harbor" in order to ramp up Industrial Military spending and Production, and fatten their personal wealth at the expense of the lowly "Serfs". And when I say "Serfs", I mean you....

Doc Moreau

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:23 PM
The Air Force One tagging video was purely fake. It was ONLY done on the computer, not on the real plane. You won't get anywhere NEAR Air Force One when it's on the ground. They have walking patrols that go around the plane 180 degrees from each other, and Secret Service parked at the nose with a landline for calling reinforcements.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
The Air Force One tagging video was purely fake. It was ONLY done on the computer, not on the real plane. You won't get anywhere NEAR Air Force One when it's on the ground. They have walking patrols that go around the plane 180 degrees from each other, and Secret Service parked at the nose with a landline for calling reinforcements.

When Air Force One is taking off or landing, everyone at Andrew's Airforce Base has to be inside or they will shoot you dead. Period.

I know this from personal experience.

I was doing soil borings (when I used to work as a geotechnical engineer) on the older runway of Andrew's. One time we heard the alarm (to get inside) when we were about 30 feet deep in a hole (on the runway). Anyway, we made it into the nearest building in the nick of time. Our gaurd told us that we got lucky that we weren't shot. Including him.

I still have my pass and am willing to scan it and post it for those who don't believe.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Yeah, at Hickam when it would come in, they shut down Honolulu International 30 minutes out, and everything was on a ground hold until it was parked. The base was on a ground hold until he left in the motorcade. Saying they take security VERY seriously is a huge understatement.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:42 PM
This is going way off base here but we weren't even allowed to take photos of the hanger they used to house it. I have some really cool pictures of F-16's about 10 feet away from us taxying to the other runway though. It was one of the coolest jobs I've been on.

Back to the thread.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by DocMoreau
Just a bit ago I was reading through the Raython involved in 911??? thread,

[...] The exact people who were developing a technology that would allow the remote control of passenger aircraft happened to be on those planes. [...] or the planes themselves were not actually passenger aircraft but something else.

And I got to thinking...
[...] 767s (KC-767) are also sold to the military to be used as Tankers to refuel their jets mid air... So the military had the jets, jets with way more fuel in them too...

[...] Then I remembered a video of Mark Echo tagging Air Force One from a while back
[...] if Mark Echo can get someone to paint a 747 to look like Airforce One, I am sure the military could paint some 767s to look like American and United aircraft... And then 'disappear' the creators of the technology.... I don't know....

Well-constructed and fun to read OP - otherwise the theory is old, vaguely possible but deeply flawed for reasons I'm sure have been addressed (sorry didn't read the thred yet).

Why did Dick Cheney not order all the 'hijacked' planes shot down?

Doc Moreau

Whoever was flying them, they were doing a job. He didn't want to interrupt and be rude.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 06:08 PM
Okay, maybe you all didn't really understand what is going on in the Mark Echo video... it is not a super imposed image... He paid a company to repaint the plane to resemble Air Force One.... It was never actually Air Force One that he painted "Still Free", but a video edited with footage from a car driving on a freeway outside the base where Air Force One is kept, and spliced with footage of a guy climbing a fence and painting on a 747 that is painted to look like Air Force One... It was in Southern California I believe... It was a publicity stunt for a video game....

What I am saying is that if a guy who makes a few hundred million a year selling hip hop clothes can hire a company to paint "Air Force One" for him... How hard would it be for America's real power players to be behind a plot where planes were used as missles? I am sure the whole "fake plane" theory has been posted before... But seriously, all the coincidences involved, and it warrants less of an investigation and money spent on the Whitewater/Clinton-Lewinsky impeachment fact finding mission?

I think they are all dirty scum so don't call me a Bush hater or any of that... They are all in it together... We need a new Pearl Harbor, thank you, son of my business partner for providing my son a presidential legacy. I am not trying to fight with anybody, but it makes me so frustrated that there seem to be so many lies behind what is happening to American rights for the long haul...

Why is it un-american to ask these "hard" questions? (meaning, "why do some people get so angry at those that see something that makes them feel uneasy about the 9-11 official story?")


P.S. I stopped drinking tap water right around the time I started really questioning what is going on... It would be an interesting poll to see how many "believers in the official story" drink tap water, and those who drink bottled spring water... Not to open another can of worms, but some have said that Flouride in the water can make a population passive.... Any thoughts on how to make a poll like that happen?

P.SS or PP.s?
Anyway, I wanted to thank you all for your insights, and input on this post... Free Thought is all we want here... so keep coming with any thoughts.

[edit on 20/6/2007 by DocMoreau]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 06:39 PM
The problem that always comes up with substituting planes is always the passengers. What happened to them? It is so much easier to use the REAL planes and slam them into the buildings than to go through all this repainting of substitute planes, and faking it.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Very true... so lets say the planes are real, the passengers were real... It is still a coincidence that muslim terrorists gave certain powerful individuals exactly what they wanted/needed in order justify all the Military spending to pad their pockets...

Perhaps the planes' remote controls get 'turned on', and shooting them down would ruin the plan, so thats why Cheney did not make the order.

It is too weird that Usama/Osama's family is business partners with the Bushes...

Same sort of weird that the Hinkley family were business partners with the Bushes.

Is it that loose connection to the Bushes encourages one to 'do evil' as an attack against what they believe, or is that connection the place that one's 'orders' originate?

Alas, there is no concrete proof of anything... But my head is swooning.

Doc Moreau

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 01:26 PM
One thing that has always bothered me about "substitution theories" where commercial airline planes are substituted with military/remote control/re-painted tanker airlplanes...

...aside from the passenger issue, of course...

Logistically, how would that work with a commercial airline? I assume that aircraft are closely tracked and that a "quick swap" of one aircraft for another wouldn't be something that could be done without it being noticed by A LOT of airport employees.

Is it even possible that this could be done with ANY level of operational security whatsoever?

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 02:03 PM
I don't know for sure...

There were a ton of screwy things happening in the air that day due to some aeral wargames involving hijacked airplanes. I should probably find a link to substantial such claims, but i am not sure where to really start right now... maybe later...

That is why I referenced Cheney in the title... he was in charge of the wargames...


posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 02:19 PM
Light of the Gods huh? Lucifer? Destruction? disguised?

Just think about it, you have a compilation of works from the past, from many different cultures warning later generations all in similar fashion, of a very bad man with others who will come to rule the world through lies and war. hmm.? we have China, N. Korea, Russia, England and America, oh, dont forget africa and that little gang, as well as the middle east. All with governmental inhabitants that use the people and resources for gaining hegemony over another, even their own people. Its so easy when you learn what Christ went to the cross at age "33" for. 33, another number like 31, or 7, or 9 or 11. And someday the theories will be nullified by martial law, and ovens and gas chambers, when you realize its too late, you were used and abused, by occutist satano nazis pretending to be something else while they lie and steal, revealing theyre true colors. Like whats happening now.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:33 AM
Hey Doc. I wasn't being mean above, just dismissive and brief. It's a good enough theory, and uniquely put - but it's also the old (to me) painted tanker story that doesn't account for the passengers and their phone calls, etc. It's just my thing - I play all experty and help people clarify things. I recall in fact people saying "Flight 175" was an unpainted gray tanker, but a closer look in fact reveals a UA paintjob. Which doesn't prove it wasn't a tanker, but there were window sections found, which tankers don't have. Which doesn't mean it wasn't a drone, but...

Originally posted by DocMoreau
There were a ton of screwy things happening in the air that day due to some aeral wargames involving hijacked airplanes. I should probably find a link to substantial such claims, but i am not sure where to really start right now... maybe later...

That is why I referenced Cheney in the title... he was in charge of the wargames...

Regarding the wargames, here's a good link to start (mind if it's by me?)
wargames masterlist
And regarding Cheney's alleged role (exagerrated IMO):
Cheney's Effort

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