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Vibrating bed and Alien contact

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:04 AM
Good day,

I have posted a few threads on the board in the past. They are nothing spectaular or Earth shattering but they are very interesting to me.

About two and half weeks ago my wife went away to visit her parents and left me bach it for a week. All and all not much went on for me other than a lot of nothing which was nice.

The second night I was home I started to feel pretty uneasey with in my own house. The hair standing up on end, the heightened relexes, sense of hearing increased. I call it the "spidy sense" so to speak.

My spidy sense was totaly into over drive that night. It felt as if there was a presence in my house or near my home that wasn't supposed tobe there.
Please keep in mind I live in a well populated city. I went to check out the front and back yard and when satisfied there was nothing there I turned on the alarm and went to bed.

I woke up in the middle fo the night to feel my bed was vibrating like it had a 10hp motor in it. I tried to sit up and my body did not want to respond. My vison was blurred and shortly after I woke up I passed out. I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and quite relaxed.

My question is:

Are there any other ATS members who have had the "vibrating bed" event happen to them.

Please keep in mind that I live in Alberta Canada.

I hope to hear some positve feedback and look fowrward to all interested members
As for the skeptics, I live Canada in an area that has no recored c

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:23 AM
To me it sounds more like a OOBE (Out Of Body Experiance)experiance. The vibrating is pretty normal for those kinds of experiances just before you step out of your body. You could look into some of William Buhlman to enlight yourself on the subject


posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by Arcticnull
I woke up in the middle fo the night to feel my bed was vibrating like it had a 10hp motor in it. I tried to sit up and my body did not want to respond. My vison was blurred and shortly after I woke up I passed out. I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and quite relaxed.

Humorously enough I was just in a somewhat similar thread here:

The main difference though is that your event sounds more along the lines of a sleep paralysis episode. Be thankful you did not get the visual hallucinations that often go along with events such as this.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:33 AM
Same with Defcon5, i was in the other thread too.

It is most likely sleep paralysis.

It feels like you are awake, but you are actually in the state between awake and asleep.

You absorb your surroundings but your mind still mixes in dream-like elements to it.

As Defcon said, be thankful you didn't get the whole deal. In my SP experiences, i sometimes actually see the whole lights, beings, feel pressure on my chest etc etc... not fun.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:39 AM
holy crap i had the vibrating bed thing happenn to me in 8th grade at my friends house however we thought the house was haunted we were sitting on his bed watching tv when the bed started rocking back and forth we got up and it kept moving but thats all that happenned then we went into the living room and slept

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:59 AM
Ive had similar experiences... especially the "hightened awareness," which I think is due to a release of adrenaline in the brain. I think its the brains response to "something" possibly unpleasant near by. In my case(s), I had just woken up on my living room couch and I was on my way to turn off the living room light and head upstairs to bed. The second I turned off the living room light, I felt this creeping horrible precense behind me and I became almost paralysed in fear as I got a huge adrenalin rush that put me on edge fast (keep in mind I was sleeping moments earlier). I then slowly mustered the courage to keep walking and head straight to bed with all my clothes on. I never looked behind me... sounds a bit silly, but the emotions that were eminating from whatever was behind me in my living room were indescribable... dread, loathing, death, hate, name it, I felt it. I got the impression the person behind me was a murderer or someone that was a second away from stabbing me to death or something. The farther I got from my living room the weaker the emotions got.

[edit on 19-6-2007 by Unplugged]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 07:01 AM
I've had this before. I mentioned it in a post just recently. The beds' movement woke me up and I heard a news bulletin in my head just after it.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 08:30 PM
I need to add some more information into this thread

As I was posting I got that same "spidy sense" and I started to do the old rubber chicken head bob. You know the one you did in school when you were to sleepy or to bored to stay awake.

I was doing that but it was very sudden. The more I felt tired the more I felt a presnse was near me.

The reason why my post was cut short at the end was because I had an impending senes of fear and doom. I hit the send button as soon I could then went to bed. As I was walking to my bedroom there was a presence behind me. I even turend around and turned the light on once more to be sure I wasn't being followed.

I then got into my bedroom, closed the door and locked it then crawled into bed.

The very odd, very unnerving thing about my experince last night is that I thought I heard a vocalization. It wasn't a language I recognized nor did it really sound human to me. I speak 3 languages so i have a pretty good ear for them.

Thank you all for your replies and I appreciate the information on deep sleep paralization. I would ask that those members who have read this post please review my other posts about alien contact to see if I am missing something.

Again I thank you all for time.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 09:51 PM
Ok I skimmed through your other posts and here is what I get from my perspective. First I want you to realize that I am not a Doctor nor am I trying to diagnose you on anything here, and if what I am saying here even seems partly correct to you, you should follow it up with a physician.

The main symptoms I see of these events seem to be:
1) Odor proceeding the event.
2) Feeling of anxiety proceeding the event.
3) Feeling of Presence prior to, and during the event.
4) Sensation of Shaking during the event.
5) Seeing lights during the event.
6) Vision impairment after the event.
7) Falling asleep after the event.
8) Hearing unintelligible voices.

Now again I am not trying to diagnose you I am just going to show you some similarities here, and let you make up your mind. Also this is kind of getting out of my area of experience, a Neurologist might be a better person to have this discussion with. Either way though, here you go:

An aura is the perceptual disturbance experienced by some migraine sufferers before a migraine headache, and the telltale sensation experienced by some people with epilepsy before a seizure. It often manifests as the perception of a strange light or an unpleasant smell.
An aura sensation can include:
1) Visual Changes.
1a) Bright lights.
1b) Zigzag lines.
1c) Distortions in the size or shape of object.
1d) Slowly spreading spots.
1e) Curtain like effect over one eye.
1f) Tunnel Vision
1g) Kaleidescope effects on visual field
1h) Shimmering, pulsating patches, often curved.
1i) Blind or dark spots in the field of vision.
1j) Total temporary monocular (in one eye) blindness. (in retinal migraine)[1]
2) Hearing voices or sounds (auditory hallucinations).
3) Strange smells (olfactory hallucinations).
4) Feelings of numbness or tingling on one side of the face or body.
5) Feeling separated from one's body.
6) Feeling as if your limbs are moving independently from your body.
7) Anxiety or fear.
8) Nausea.
9) Weakness, unsteadiness.
10) Being unable to understand or comprehend spoken words during and after the aura.
11) Being unable to speak properly, despite your brain grasping what you're trying to verbalize. (Aphasia)
12) Feeling of power or sense of euphoria (this symptom has been associated with discontinuation of seizure treatments - the sufferer may enjoy the experience and think it worth the seizure or migraine that follows)

This would be an example of an aura written by someone who has experienced it first hand:

"It is a pressure that starts in my stomach, then rises to my chest and throat. When it reaches my chest, I smell an unpleasant odor of something burnt. At the same time I feel anxious."

Partial Siezures
complex partial seizures often are preceded by an aura and are followed by a state of sleepiness.

Also there is a sleep disorder that can be somewhat interrelated here and that is called Narcolepsy. As Sleep Paralysis occurs in folks that are waking out of REM, Narcoleptics go into REM with little to no warning. If you search around the web you will often find that Narcolepsy has some things in common with Seizure Activity and the two can sometimes be misdiagnosed as each other.

The main characteristic of narcolepsy is overwhelming excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), even after adequate night time sleep. A person with narcolepsy is likely to become drowsy or to fall asleep, often at inappropriate times and places. Daytime naps may occur with or without warning and may be physically irresistible. These naps can occur several times a day. They are typically refreshing, but only for a few hours. Drowsiness may persist for prolonged periods of time. In addition, night-time sleep may be fragmented with frequent awakenings.
Four other classic symptoms of narcolepsy, which may not occur in all patients, are cataplexy, sleep paralysis, hypnogogic hallucinations, and automatic behavior. Cataplexy is an episodic condition featuring loss of muscle function, ranging from slight weakness (such as limpness at the neck or knees, sagging facial muscles, or inability to speak clearly) to complete body collapse. Episodes may be triggered by sudden emotional reactions such as laughter, anger, surprise, or fear, and may last from a few seconds to several minutes. The person remains conscious throughout the episode. Sleep paralysis is the temporary inability to talk or move when waking up. It may last a few seconds to minutes. This is often frightening but is not dangerous. Hypnagogic hallucinations are vivid, often frightening, dream-like experiences that occur while dozing, falling asleep and/or while awakening. Automatic behavior means that a person continues to function (talking, putting things away, etc.) during sleep episodes, but awakens with no memory of performing such activities. It is estimated that up to 40 percent of people with narcolepsy experience automatic behavior during sleep episodes. Daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations also occur in people who do not have narcolepsy, more frequently in people who are suffering from extreme lack of sleep. Cataplexy is generally considered to be unique to narcolepsy.

Well anyway, there you go, take it as you will. I am not saying that this is what is happening to you, simply that there are some striking similarities and you may want to bring them up with your doctor next time you see them.

edit to add #8, did not notice that one until after the post.

[edit on 6/19/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 10:28 PM
Good day,

DefCon5 thank you for your effort into my post. I"m sure that if I experinced any of those symptoms I would go see a doctor regardless.

THe only emotions I had during any of my experinces were anxiety and the fight or flight response.

I'm confident I am not prone to seziures, if I was I wouldn't have been able to serve a soldier for over 10 years.

Agagin thank you.

I want to get back to my original question of my post.

Has any other ATS member experinced the situation I had?

If so please share.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 11:02 PM
I get the same shaking bed syndrome prior to falling asleep often, I have figured out that is usually followed by a more than usual active day. As for the sleep paralysis, I have only consciously experienced that once or twice during an Alien Abduction... True

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Arcticnull
I'm confident I am not prone to seziures, if I was I wouldn't have been able to serve a soldier for over 10 years.

Seizures can start at any time in your life, you may not have had them when you were in the military and it can be a recent development. A number of things can cause you to start having seizures including infections, head trauma, and metabolic disturbances, to name a few. Some seizures are very mild, such as simple partial seizures:

simple partial seizures
People who have simple partial seizures do not lose consciousness during the seizure. However, some people, although fully aware of what's going on, find they can't speak or move until the seizure is over.
They remain awake and aware throughout. Sometimes they can talk quite normally to other people during the seizure. And they can usually remember exactly what happened to them while it was going on.

…And its entirely possible for the person experiencing them, and those around them to not even be aware that they just had, or witnessed a seizure.

[edit on 6/19/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:37 AM
Good day,

While I appreciate Defcon5's intent and providing skepticism as well as a alternative point of view I would hope Defcon5 would also provide the correct information regarding his opinion of my grand mal, petite mal and or focal seizures.

There are many factors with come into play with anyone who has these serious illnesses and I would hope that Defcon5 would take into considering that personal past medical history as well as past medical history of family members is a strong and consistant determinating factor in if a person will be subject those seziures.

Unfortunately for his efforts I have no history of any sort of sezuries personally or with in my family nor do I have any of symptoms or causes.Futher to that point I have never used narcotics nor been exposed chemical, biological or nuclear agents in my life time. While Defcon5 will twist my words into thier own point of view that statment I would suggest that befor Defcon5 comments again they retreive a complete copy of my civilian and military medical records and then spends 8 to 10 years becoming a neursurgon. Until that point in time his argument which pertains me is moot.

Mayo Clinic

With all of that now being said I will once again return to my original question.

Has any ATS member ever experinced the events that I have with regard to my original question.

Thank you

[edit on 6/20/0707 by Arcticnull]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:53 AM
Ok Mr Sarcasm, I believe that I told you up front that I am not a neurologist (PS it’s a neurologist, not a friggen neurosurgeon) and that I am not diagnosing you, though i do work with EEG (but not seizure activity). Rather I was showing you how what you describes fits a certain explanation. As you have obviously discounted the entire idea and not read a single link, I will not bother to again point out that something as simple as having a tooth abscess (which can cause a brain abscess) is enough to cause someone to possibly have this type of activity. I don’t think that you’re military or family history has a thing to do with that now does it???

I am sorry if everything you have posted in both threads happens to fit something you don’t want to hear, but I am not the one who caused those events to happen, I am simply pointing out the possibility that there may be a common thread and pattern to them. In the interim, after spending hours going through your two posts and finding appropriate legitimate links, I wish I had spent the evening doing something worthwhile considering that I ended up being told to go back to school for 10 years.

So what was the point, of this thread anyway, your bed vibrated?
Well it’s happened to me as well, and it was a sleep related issue, nothing supernatural. I literally thought one of my pets had gotten out of its cage, crawled into bed with me, and was walking up and down next to my body. So I reached out to feel around for it, but there was nothing there, though I could still feel the movement just as real as anything I have ever experienced. I sat upright and started patting the bed to make sure it was nothing under the sheets, and could still feel the bed depressing under what felt like the feet of an animal. I ended up going out and sleeping on the couch that day cause I was so freaked out by the "ghost cat/dog". Folks here can vouch for that happening to me because it was discussed here in chat the day after it occurred.

I'll be happy to leave your thread alone now...
Hope you find out what is going on.

[edit on 6/20/2007 by defcon5]

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