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British Police Smash Global Pedophile Ring: 31 Children Rescued

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posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 04:04 PM

British Police Smash Global Pedophile Ring: 31 Children Rescued

British police, aided by U.S. authorities, have smashed a global Internet pedophile ring that broadcast live-streamed videos of children being abused, investigating more than 700 suspects worldwide and rescuing 31 children in a 10-month probe, officials said Monday.

Some 200 suspects are based in Britain, said the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center, a government agency. Of the 31 children, some only a few months old, more than 15 were in Britain, the center said.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related Discussion Threads:
Child snatched on holiday,(Hunt goes on)

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 04:04 PM
Kudos to the UK police. More needs to be done. Children only a few months old were being held and subject to live streaming of thier abuse. WTF is wrong with people. The British girl missing in Portugal may just be another victem of this sickness. The people need to simply be put down. There is no rehab that will "cure" them, no majic treatment will work.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 04:43 PM
I agree. The authorities were already able to assume the identieis of the ring-leaders of the operation in order to snag hundreds of others involved, I see no reason to allow this evil to continue to exist. It is amazing that with the UK so heavily watching their citizens, such a large operation was going on for so long.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by FredT
The people need to simply be put down. There is no rehab that will "cure" them, no majic treatment will work.
(visit the link for the full news article)

i would rather go with nutterd then put down a couple days later
any prick that preys on kids should suffer the most

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 06:20 PM
It's amazing isn't it?

These "rings" get busted wide open every few years and amazingly there seem to be more and more perpetrators. Maybe it's because those who are sentenced only get one to two years in prison and then they are freed and can continue with their nefarious activities.

This is much more organised than people realise. I am talking about the involvement of people that will never see the inside of a prison bacause of the positions they hold.

An amazingly high number of these "ring" members reside in the U.S.A. And why not? The U.S. has an astonishingly lax attitude to these kind of crimes.
In 1984 laws were enacted to make the trade of child pornography illegal even though possession of such material was legal.
As recently as 1990, 44 of the 50 states found private possession of child pornography... legal.

As for the successful prosecution of online child abuse, that was dealt a serious blow in 1999 when the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued it's ruling on December 17, 1999;

The court of appeals affirmed a judgment of the district
court in part and reversed in part. The court held that the
Child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) is unconstitutional
to the extent that it proscribes computer images that do not
involve the use of real children in their production or dissemi-


This ruling made the presentation all virtual-child pornography of no value in the court system.

Of course it can be argued that CGI technology is now so advanced that it would be virtually impossible to determine if an image has been digitally altered.

Lawyers for the U.S. Justice Dept. argued this very point, noting that;

"...government may find it impossible in many cases to prove that a pornographic image of a child is real."

Writer Gordon Thomas states that the child porn industry in America is a 3 BILLION DOLLAR a YEAR industry. Worldwide the gross is around double that. This is BIG money! Don't doubt that there are people working behind the scenes who are reaping this cash. People that the public may be shocked to discover are involved.

* Yeah FredT, I was a bit slow on the uptake with this one.

[edit on 19/6/2007 by Beelzebubba]

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 07:28 PM
It's just downright sick that such people are out there, and that they don't even spend that much time in prison. But hey, all we need is Bob Barker to advocate the neutering of these hopeless romantics.

In the meantime many kudos to the British cops on this one. Those guys deserve one hell of a pay raise for a job well done.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 07:29 PM
One member of this ring has already been to court in Oz. What do you reckon his sentence was? Seven months! No mistake - only seven lousy months. Seven months for wrecking children's lives! He'll probably be out in two thanks to a corrupt parole system.

In my city there is evidence that there is a group called "the family" which preys on teenage men. Only one member of the group has ever been brought to trial and that was for the murder of one young man whose father was a high profile TV personality. No one else was charged even though it was obvious that the killer did not act alone. The killer has not given up one piece of evidence and is serving his sentence with priveleges such as Viagra and personal luxuries.
The family is reported to consist of mainly legals and influential men. No wonder only one has been charged! The garbage look after their own.

My compliments to all who participated in the busting of these filth - their patience and persistence are an example to us all - WELL DONE!

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Beelzebubba
An amazingly high number of these "ring" members reside in the U.S.A. And why not? The U.S. has an astonishingly lax attitude to these kind of crimes.

Actually i made a thread about something similar, which was moved from breaking news, and as i told the staff member the thread hasn't gotten the attention I think this sort of problem should be getting.

Anyways, as I said in that other thread i started a couple weeks ago, it is proven that in countries where prostitution has been made legal, this has actually made it worse for minors which are being used to satisfy perverts.

Here are some excerpts from one of the links i gave.

The scale of the sex industries

Every year, approximately 500,000 women who are victims of trafficking are released onto the prostitution market in the countries of Eastern Europe (8) ; 75% of the women who are victims of this trafficking are 25 years of age or under, and an indeterminate, but very large, percentage of them are minors. Some 4 million women and children annually are the victims of the worldwide trafficking for the purpose of prostitution. In 2001, it was estimated that the number of prostituted people in the world (9) was 40 million, a figure that continues to rise. The phenomenon assumes unimaginable proportions in some countries, accounting for between 0.25% and 1.5% of the population in the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan (10), etc.

The prostitution industry accounts for 5% of the GDP of the Netherlands, between 1 and 3% of Japanese GDP and in 1998, the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimated that prostitution accounted for between 2 and 14% of the total economic activity in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Prostituted people of foreign origin and human trafficking

The example of the Netherlands provides a good indicator of the expansion of the sex industry in recent decades and the growth of trafficking for the purpose of prostitution : 2,500 prostituted people in 1981, 10,000 in 1985, 20,000 in 1989 and 30,000 in 1997. The Netherlands has become a preferred destination in the world of sex tourism. In Amsterdam, where there are 250 brothels, 80% of the prostituted people are of foreign origin and “70% of them have no papers”, as they are victims of trafficking. (15) In 1960, 95% of prostitutes in the Netherlands were Dutch, whereas by 1999 the figure was a mere 20%. In Denmark, where prostitution is also legal, the number of prostituted people of foreign origin who are victims of trafficking has increased ten-fold over the past decade. (16) In Austria, 90% of prostituted people are originally from other countries. In 2003, the number of victims of trafficking for the purpose of prostitution was estimated at 20,000 annually, compared to 2,100 annually at the start of the previous decade. In the ten years from 1990 to 2000, 77,500 young foreign women have fallen prey to traffickers. These young women, who are frequently minors, and who can be purchased on the markets in the Balkans for US $600, are subjected to an average of between 30 and 100 sexual contacts a day. (17) Ten years ago, the number of prostituted people of Greek origin was estimated at 3,400 ; this figure remains more or less the same to day, but with the explosion of the prostitution industry, the number of prostituted people of foreign origin has multiplied by ten. The revenues derived from prostitution in Greece are estimated at US $7.5 billion a year.

Making prostitution legal has actually made the sex trade of minors worse, instead of helping.

[edit on 20-6-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 09:17 AM
Anyways, I am glad that at least 31 children were rescued, and I hope that at least those 31 children never become victims of such perverts.

The only problem is, there are a lot more minors out there who are being used to satisfy the perverts of the world.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 10:55 AM
That's just sick. So many children and teens are kidnapped and forced into sex or maybe even worse things. This happens when you have too much violence and crime/wars in society, people 'adjust' and go lower and lower.

As for solution to this problem, don't eat me alive, but micro-chipping would help in cases like that. Not only for the kids but also offenders. Or some other means of tracking by satellite.

Another more barbaric method which helps is fear of authority. If offenders were publicly executed, crime rate would drop 99% overnight.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by sb2012
Another more barbaric method which helps is fear of authority. If offenders were publicly executed, crime rate would drop 99% overnight.

Though it would be fitting, I doubt it would help. Besides, you would have a mob arise claiming that their public executions were 'cruel and unusual' punushmint. Anyway, back when it was legal to publicly execute people, these types of crimes still happened, and though the technology has advanced today, making it easier to track down criminals, they would still find a way to commit their crimes and get away with them.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:57 AM
Pedophilia is one of the world's most Disgusting crimes. These twisted freaks steal away one of the most precious things a child has: Innocents! Imagine 31 children being held prisoner by such monsters, and being put on the internet for other sicko to watch them being hurt! The thought brings tears to my eyes!

I have a very soft spot for children and devote my life to helping them. The idea that someone could find pleasure in hurting the most innocent and helpless among us deserves the be locked up and have the key thrown away! I'd like to have a shot at the SOB's that did this!


posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Ghost01
Pedophilia is one of the world's most Disgusting crimes. These twisted freaks steal away one of the most precious things a child has: Innocents! Imagine 31 children being held prisoner by such monsters, and being put on the internet for other sicko to watch them being hurt! The thought brings tears to my eyes!


Yes it is Tim, and the worse part is that these criminals are using freedom of speech to try to let people agree with their demented idea that they have a right to do these inhumane, and pervert actions to minors...

This is just one of those issues in which groups such as ACLU have failed to protect children, and humanity in general....

Noone has any right to do these things to children/minors, or even try to spread their demented ideas that somehow they have a right to "rape" (because that's what they do) minors.....

[edit on 20-6-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:28 PM
No rehabilitation. No prison sentence. A fair trial, then execute them. No torture, that makes us no better then the monsters we would remove from society.

This will have no deterent value, pedophiles will keep on doing these sordid, montrous things until they are caught. They, almost without fail, think they are smarter than we are, or at least the people who actively hunt them.

A pedophile is about power...power over those weaker and less able to defend themselves. It's not about a misplaced love, or wanting to provide love, or whatever excuse their twisted little psyches come up with; it's about power like any other form of rape.

They take what is most precious to all of us, the innocence of childhood, and tear it into unrecognizable shreds that can never be repaired. The scars don't heal...the pain never goes away...with counciling and support, the victims can, and usually do lead lives that resemble normal. Yet, all too often, a victim of pedophilia becomes one. It's a horrible, tragic which has virtually destroyed my own family. My nephew was abused by his father, who was abused by his father, his own mother was in reality the daughter of his father. Now my nephew is facing 25 years to life in Florida for his own abuse of children.

My advocacy of mandatory capital punishment for convicted pedophiles is not through some misguided notion of deterent, it's to remove dangerous threats from society.

My hats off to those police and prosecutors who shattered this ring of monsters, keep on hunting them.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 10:49 PM
Yes I would consider anyone attempting to protect the very idea of pedophilia as an enemy of Free Speech. ANYONE who attempts to justify an ideology of hate, rape, or genocide is an enemy of Free Speech. Allowing them to spread their ideology of evil has absolutley nothing with granting them free Speech rights, IT IS ONLY ABOUT ALLOWING THEM TO SPREAD MORE EVIL!!!

This is why evil is becoming more and more prevelant in modern societies, because the notion that the preaching of even the most vile and disgusting of ideas should be allowed under Free Speech. To say that is saying hey its ok for Evil to spread and corropt our people, its a right"

NO THE # EVIL IS NOT A RIGHT!!! ONLY EVIL COULD CONVINCE ANYONE THAT IS TRUE! If one believe hate groups, pedophile groups, have the right to so much a say what they say is acceptable, just speaking that is acceptable, is corrupted in their soul, because you have accepted that it is ok for evil minded people to spread evil.

You can replace the word evil with whatever other word you want. Disgusting, bad, negative, detrimental, corrupt, vile, monstrous, incorrect; whatever words you want to use that makes it more appropriate for you, it all falls on the same meaning.

Join me in the quest to pass legislation that would declare spreading hateful and rapist ideology as an enemy of Free Speech, and we shall strike a blow to evil-doers nationwide, and hopefully worldwide.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:12 PM
This is (besides cold blooded murder, and even than I dont know) the single most vile, disgusting, and sickening act especially for how young these children are act that I can think of. The typical response of "I dont understand" is just that, how can anyone justify doing these acts in any way.

The reports of Bohemian Grove in regards this same type of thing may have a hand in why the sentences are so leniant. If you have people in the highest power making the laws who engage in this exact sort of vile and disgusting acts making the laws that basically give a slap on the wrist to these sub human beings than what does anyone expect???

We had a big case in our town of a well known Orthodontist who was the ring leading in one of the biggest Child Pedophile rings ever to be busted. This ring extended into I think some 30 countries, or something like that. It was a while ago so I don't remember the exact facts.

I believe the death penalty should be given for any Pedophile doing this to a child under lets say 6 years old, Life in Prison for anyone under 11 years old, 25 years depending on the circumstance for anyone under 15 years old, and after that I think the Girl MAY have a part in it depending on her background. There are so many young kids now a days acting like grown ups its frightening.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Yes it is Tim, and the worse part is that these criminals are using freedom of speech to try to let people agree with their demented idea that they have a right to do these inhumane, and pervert actions to minors...

This is just one of those issues in which groups such as ACLU have failed to protect children, and humanity in general....
[edit on 20-6-2007 by Muaddib]

Freedom of Speech? This is Nothing of the sort! Freedom of speech doesn't include promoting the intentional act of Harming others. How could any sane person possibly come up with the idea that the First Amendment coud ever apply to someone doing these monterous acts?

I agree with you that on issues like this, the ACLU is failing horrably. This is one Area where the Government needs More power to enforce laws. Personally, I feel that the US government needs to make ALL sex crimes involving children a FEDERAL offence, no matter how seeming small the offence might be. Let the FBI haul these perverts off to Levensworth for a Forced Retirement.

Thank God these sickos got busted, I only wish they had nailed them sooner.

Originally posted by hoochymama
I believe the death penalty should be given for any Pedophile doing this to a child under lets say 6 years old, Life in Prison for anyone under 11 years old, 25 years depending on the circumstance for anyone under 15 years old, and after that I think the Girl MAY have a part in it depending on her background.

I agree with you on this. However, I wish to add one thing if I may:

I Believe the Dealth Penality should also be given for anyone who messes with a child that has special needs (a disability) reguardless of the child's age. These children are extreemly vurnerable and usually have no way to protect themselves at all.


posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:57 AM
700 suspects worldwide! Bloody hell,
for the old bill on that operation!

It's sick that some of the kids were only a few months old as well. Makes you wonder how they get hold of them...

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Ghost01
Freedom of Speech? This is Nothing of the sort! Freedom of speech doesn't include promoting the intentional act of Harming others. How could any sane person possibly come up with the idea that the First Amendment coud ever apply to someone doing these monterous acts?


Sadly, what Muaddib says is the truth. Here is one instance where the ACLU is attempting to hide behind the First Amendment:

Their 10-year-old son Jeffrey was the victim of a 1997 murder by two men, Salvatore Sicari and Charlie Jaynes. The men took Jeffrey to the Boston Public Library and accessed NAMBLA's website. At least one of the men, Jaynes, later attempted to sexually assault Curley. When the boy fought back, Jaynes gagged him with a gasoline-soaked rag and eventually killed him. Jaynes then sodomized his corpse.

< snip >

As of April 2005 the wrongful death cases were still before the courts, with the ACLU assisting the defendants on the grounds that the suit violated their First Amendment rights. [3].

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 10:54 AM
Congrats to the UK police on this bust. The world needs to seek out and prevent these perverts from torturing and corrupting the minds and bodies of the most innocent among us. There is no reason to allow this to continue on such a large scale. They should never be allowed back into normal society after commiting such a horrible act. Studies show no matter how much counseling, prison time, etc, they always repeat. This crime deserves nothing short of a firing line. I'd volunteer for that duty anyday of the week to send that scum to the creator to explain their actions.

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