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New 9/11 Documentary:9/11 Press for Truth

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posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 11:51 AM
This is a very good documentary,well worth a watch.

( of the grieving thousands left behind on September 11th, a small group of activist families emerged to demand answers. In 9/11 Press For Truth, six of them (including three of the famous "Jersey Girls") tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the powers in Washington—and won!—compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.

The video can now be viewed for free on Google here

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 05:45 PM
Thanks Black Fox. Press for Truth is really not all that new, but it's very valuable for helping to transcend the cartoon level of analysis to start to address the bigger picture. It was helped along in some major way (I'm hazy on the details) by the Center for cooperative Research, and the "Jersey Girls." Oddly enough, I'm a CCR member now, tho not of too much credit yet, and a longtime fan of their works. Yet I haven' sat down and watched this video yet. I've heard it's good, and need to see it, so thanks for the link. I'll offer thoughts after I watch it (no time now). Peace.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 02:09 PM
OKay I suck. I watched several minutes of it and it's very good people! A bump. This is where it started for me, tho I didn't understand at the time. Coop research bringing together questions, facts from news stories, etc. regarding the aur defensem intel on the hijackers, forewarnings, Bush's reaction, etc. These ladies are great, the film is about them and I like them. They lost their husbands in the 911 massacre, then went from grief to anger and questioning. These ladies were huge, helping get the original Congressional inteligence investigation into 9/11 opened, where they were invited to speak, and finally helped spur the 9/11 Commission, where the process moved on above them.

I hope people are ignoring this becuase they already know. I don't think they even touch once on holograms (tho I'd have to see the whole thing to be sure). If you haven't watched it yet, at least catch a few minutes. It's actually moving and IMO far more effective at reaching new people than videos of squibs, which have mostly reached their audience saturation. This level of leads has slid, lost the appeal it once had, and so now Press For Truth has more potential per ounce by far than, say, Loose Change + 911 Mysteries Combined.

And remember MIHOP people, LIHOP is a necessary sub-component of an inside job. Without a failed air defense, the drones and Pentagon missile or whatever might've been shot down and the plot foiled.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:50 PM
No, the plot would have only has a 50% sucess rate.The first two buildings were already hit.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
No, the plot would have only has a 50% sucess rate.The first two buildings were already hit.

Okay, fair enough. At least regarding the first half of the air defenses. Intel "screw-ups" go further back of course, and thus chances were missed to stop the entire plot early on. This is LIHOP too. Anyway, it's a good video whether anyone else has anything to comment on it or not.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 10:31 AM
I watched the whole video last night. I must say that after watching the video if you still believe in the official story then you must have blinders on.

And for those that say its not right to question the official story because its somehow disrespectful to the victims and families of 9-11, then why are the families of 9-11 victims asking so many legitimate and unanswered question they brought up in the film?

I think if the 9-11 truth movement focused on the many alarming questions and coincidences that were brought up in this film, instead of focusing on how the WTC towers fell we would all be a lot closer to the truth than we are today.

At the very least I think this film proves the govt had foreknowledge that 9-11 was going to happen and they were complicit in letting it happen. Or a more disturbing and plausible scenario based on the information contained in the film they were directly involved with he Pakistan ISI in the planning of the attacks with Al-Qaeda being used to carry out the attacks.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:38 AM
If you want to convince people that 9/11 is more than the work of 19 arab hijackers, then this is the documentary to use!

People will relate alot better to the "Jersey Girls", who are very calm, collected, but have an underlying rage for uncovering the truth about their hubbies deaths, than say, Alex Jones, who is just an airhead and will scare off people before they actually hear the facts.

I will be showing this to my parents, and hopefully i will have more luck than the time i showed them one of AJ's films..

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by etshrtslr
I watched the whole video last night. I must say that after watching the video if you still believe in the official story then you must have blinders on.

And for those that say its not right to question the official story because its somehow disrespectful to the victims and families of 9-11, then why are the families of 9-11 victims asking so many legitimate and unanswered question they brought up in the film?

Exactly. These ARE the victims' families, and not a raving fringe either. Well I guess that depends who you ask. Ann Coulter doesn't like the girls, but that's a pretty good plus, right?

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
If you want to convince people that 9/11 is more than the work of 19 arab hijackers, then this is the documentary to use!

People will relate alot better to the "Jersey Girls", who are very calm, collected, but have an underlying rage for uncovering the truth about their hubbies deaths, than say, Alex Jones, who is just an airhead and will scare off people before they actually hear the facts.

I will be showing this to my parents, and hopefully i will have more luck than the time i showed them one of AJ's films..

Each approach has its place, and the place for this type of thinking is crying out for attention. People want to know, and on some level already do. If thermite doesn't do it, try the ISI and the F-16s. Tie it in with history (USS MAine, Lusitania, Reichstag, Mukden, Pearl Harbor, Northwoods, Tonkin Gulf, etc).

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic

Exactly. These ARE the victims' families, and not a raving fringe either. Well I guess that depends who you ask. Ann Coulter doesn't like the girls, but that's a pretty good plus, right?

First off on a side note I used to be a fan of Coulter's years ago and even met her once in DC. Since then I have awakened up to the fact that there are shills on both the left and the right and she is definitely one of them.

As far as the video it is inspiring to see the families of 9-11 victims not satisfied with the "official" government story.

I think this kind of testimony will resonate with the American public and inspire all of us to seek the truth, much more than, was it thermate or micro nukes used to bring down the towers, or did a plane fly north or south of the citgo station, or did a plane actually hit the pentagon.

The fact is there are so many legitimate and unanswered question brought up in this film, and when they are finally answered it will also answer the questions of what actually brought down the twin towers and wtc7 and what actually struck the pentagon.

I encourage all believers of the official 9-11 story to watch this film provided in the OP. And if you still believe the official story after watching it I would love to hear your reasons why.

[edit on 20-6-2007 by etshrtslr]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 09:08 PM
This is the best documentary bar none, because it speaks right to your heart and has the facts to back it up, a lot of footage of Bush and Co covering up something. Truly, an astounding piece of work.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 10:12 PM
Thanks for posting this!! Nice job

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 03:13 AM
A very well-made documentary and it carries quite a few k-o punches.

I second the opinion that it is the best and most effective one out there, as it it grounded in sanity, uses real human loss as its moral premise, and poses the fundamental questions but doesn't shove answers down our throats, and instead shows what info is already out there--damning all.

The Jersey girls are a real moral force to be reckoned with, and it was great that the filmmakers combined their story with that of Paul Thompson and his amazing 9/11 time line.

What I'd forgotten were all of W's blank stares, fumblings, and grasping for coherent responses when confronted with the few pointed questions the MSM has ever dared ask about 9/11.

Wow. You don't need to be Freud to read his mind--the remnants of morality bubbling up from the morasse always trips him up. Fascinating sidelight.

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