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Terrorists Have Cloaking Technology (Proof)

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posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 11:39 PM
Frame comparison between the two Pentagon cameras:

Logic: What appears at point A in one camera appears in the other camera in almost exactly the same point. So what is visible in one camera should always be visible in the other camera (with the exception of objects extremely close to the cameras).

So what can we see in the seperate cameras of the one frame that shows the plane?

Well, the camera on the left shows a vapor cloud with the tail of a plane hiding behind the camera in front. The second camera shows part of the vapor trail with ... A CLOAKED PLANE! This may also explain why we couldn't track the planes in the sky! ... Someone contact the Klingons, we need stronger allies than the Brits for this one.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 11:41 PM
Eh, to me its just looks like the plane or whatever it was was going fast and therefore not captured by one camera and captured by the other, im no camera expert but its seems logical

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 12:30 AM
There should be footage from several cameras. They make it seem like gas stations have better surveillance capabilties than that of the Pentagon.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Spoodily
There should be footage from several cameras. They make it seem like gas stations have better surveillance capabilties than that of the Pentagon.

Totally, there were many cameras all the way along the top of the pentagon that should of captured it.

About that first image you posted, it shows an object moving right, what is that all about? Could we get them enlarged?

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 10:14 PM
Oh okay , I miss understood u
In that case yeah, its almost silly the images we got

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 10:18 PM
So what are the specs of the cameras on the pentagon, and which direction were each of them pointed in? What frame rate do they record at?

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by snoopy
So what are the specs of the cameras on the pentagon, and which direction were each of them pointed in? What frame rate do they record at?

Good question, why don't you find out for us? I would guess that the framerate and resolution would probably be the same.

I would expect that if those cameras for the pentagon had limited framerates then I would consider timing them so they capture frames at individual times, thus capturing more frames per second on the whole. It seems a little futile having a dozen or so cameras of limited framerate all capturing singular frames at the same time. Whats more, its pretty bad that these cameras have low FPS, this is the Pentagon, after all.

You would think their massive security budget would allocate for better quality security cameras, they seem no better than the cheap surveillance cameras a small off-license or taco bell may have.

Which now makes me wonder if the two pentagon videos that were released were synced to capture frames at exactly the same time, or were they capturing frames at different moments?

Also it would be pretty daft pointing them at the roof of pentagon, don't you think? They were probably fish eye lenses to capture a wide FOV (field of view) like the ones that were released.

[edit on 18-6-2007 by VicRH]

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 11:22 PM
Somewhere, among all the pictures that I've seen, I saw one that showed several cameras along the top wall of the Pentagon. The picture I saw this in was taken after the "crash", and was a high angle shot.

I do wonder what those cameras caught, as I have never heard of pictures being released that looked downward on the scene.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by VicRH

Originally posted by snoopy
So what are the specs of the cameras on the pentagon, and which direction were each of them pointed in? What frame rate do they record at?

Which now makes me wonder if the two pentagon videos that were released were synced to capture frames at exactly the same time, or were they capturing frames at different moments?

Also it would be pretty daft pointing them at the roof of pentagon, don't you think? They were probably fish eye lenses to capture a wide FOV (field of view) like the ones that were released.

[edit on 18-6-2007 by VicRH]

What the arrows are pointing at is a vehicle driving on a road, from left to right.

If you read the website I linked to, it would show that the two cameras are set to capture a frame at the same time, proof of this lies in the expansion of the explosion and resulting smoke formations that occur. If I remember correctly, they show this by over-laying the videos on top of eachother and playing them.

To believe that the plane was moving so fast that the camera could not catch it is absurd - one camera catches a very visible tail section and the other camera catches not even a blur or smeared plane. The plane should be perfectly in frame in nearly full view - it's not. This video is either edited or faked.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 05:19 AM
Pentagon had 80+ cameras on that side of the building.

They are not releasing any video because they are ashamed terrorists (sponsored by Satan himself) obtained cloaking technology from Romulans.

All they are releasing to the public is piece-of-crap quality video, so you can see anything you want inside. Still good enough for 'patriots' to feel good when bombing civilians in other countries.

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