posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 11:47 AM
If you aint got a cheque book or other card to use mate then your stuck. This happened to me but on a friday before so i went in and told them and
they managed to sort me out and it's happened to my mates before and they have had to wait a few days for a new card and just use there pay in book
and ID to withdraw money from the bank and scrounge.
I don't understand why it happens when my card was taken it was because supposedly irregular transactions had been occuring on it but nothing dodgy
came up on the statements. Sometimes it's cause of magnetic strip damage so they think the card is a fake or something or maybe it's cause of typing
in your pin number incorrect too many times.
Theres like cash generators where they'll cash your cheques in for you on the day so if you have a trust worthy mate or family member who will lend
you the money get them to write a cheque for how much you need and go down to one of these places and they'll cash it in....
'After' they take down that persons phone number and address and some of your details like National Insurance etc. so they don't get scammed by
people trying to bounce dodgy cheques they usally just ring the person sometimes to make sure if it's all above board.
If all else fails time to sell some things down at a pawn shop or something tommorow morning
I hope it works out.