posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 04:43 PM
Okay...I may have taken
Zion Mainframe's post out of context...maybe
But there will be no more posting news in the normal forums anymore? They all have to go to ATSNN now? I'm confused. Because that's just stupid. I
mean people should be allowed to post News or stuff in the forums that the news is apart of...
And what about the News articles that have already been posted in the forums before the creation of ATSNN? Will they be moved? Or will they stay where
they are?
And what I don't get is that there might be a drop off in posting in other forums. Because most people were posting news and stuff. and that was the
majority of the posts in the forums.
This site has just gotten way to confusing since the opening of the news network....I'm not cussing out the admins or Simon for creating's just that it gets confusing will some one please exsplane!