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Bush Gives Terrorists Weapons!

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posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 10:57 AM

That's right. We are giving the same people who kill US Troops WEAPONS!!!! WTF? First Al Qeada comes out and says keep troops in Iraq, and are the only ones to say that besides Bush. Now he gives terrorists WEAPONS!!!

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 11:03 AM
It go's deeper than that lightstorm, it is happening all over the world, they are backing Iranian sepratist groups, which are on the U.S'S own lists of terrorist organisations. They are funneling weapons to Fatah in Palastine, do not be surprised what your and all governments are capable of!

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 01:02 PM
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart had a great time with this one

But when you think about it

Its not that funny

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 01:09 PM
Sad. Only Al Qeada and Bush support keeping troops in Iraq. Al Q has come out and said they support Bush and the GOP and hate the Dems because the Dems want the troops out of Iraq.

And now Bush is giving terrorists weapons. WTF? Well, his dad did sell WMDs to Saddam so I guess it makes since for his son to give the enemy rocket launchers and machine guns.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 05:01 PM
Well the terrorist get their weapons from somewhere, and its usually from arms dealers, arm companies that supply arms to both sides of every conflict. These arms companies are controlled by the globalist Elite who use wars to advance their agenda and to divide and rule the people.

This is how it works, and the media spin will of course make the wars seem neccesary, and there will always be a culture of fear, there always is, using whatever boogeyman. Its important for the powers that be to have people in fear, because then they clamour for anything to protect them from what theyve manipulated to fear. Its also called problem-reaction-solution.

Arming terrorists and manipulating events to make the people think they are under attack...the people, seeing this new threat, are afraid for their security. Problem...

We have terrorists who wanna kill us! What do we do? What are they (the government) gonna do about it? Reaction....

Well we can have foreign wars, and authoritarian laws, and suppression of dissent by those who are "unpatriotic", and oh that damn constitution which "ties the hands" of the president, that is a obstacle in the global war on terror, so lets ignore it whenever we want. Let us have more police on the streets, more biometric scans and security cameras. Lets have National ID cards and micro chips, lets move more into the NAU so we can have a united front to make it better for business and defense, lets have total control. Solution...

Problem-reaction-solution, aka the Hagelian Dialectic. They have used it for centuries to achieve their means.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 12:09 AM
I agree with the Monk; sadly its true. I believe I read on ATS that Bush flew out all of Bin Ladens relatives before he attacked and that was when planes weren't supposed to be flying. If he will do that, why wouldn't he give the "enemy" weapons so he could further benefit him and his friends?

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