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Possible alternative energy

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posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:54 PM
WE could use things such as Solar power, water power, geothermal power, magnetic energy, wind energy, and things such as Hemp to create oil to power our everyday needs. So using solar power or water like a generator to power windmills in a controlled environment like a wind tunnel. Maybe using a electro magnet gyro to keep the blades spinning to divert energy to else needed spots.
Why are we paying for something we could work to have for free? I have several ideas I would like to collaborate with others to work towards a free world, and not a new world order. I believe as long as we work together anything can be possible. If you don't believe me, just think of the computer you are using to read this and think of if this was ever thought possible 500 years ago.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 06:36 PM
Hi i myself am working on a free energy device, which i thought of a few years ago in my youth. i dont want to divulge too much information as i am still in the planning stages, what i believe is that we have the ability to produces free non polution energy its just that the government wont release the patents. Because they want the war over oil to continue to make more money for the elite bankers! aka The Illuminati


posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:14 PM
I have made several drawings of different possible free energy devices that could make this a better world with less problems because instead of going to work you could live to live. The only setback is'nt the lack if patent ability, it's the nature of the rest of the world. No one wants to think about being in charge of them selves. They are looking for the easy way out, just like electricy itself they would much rather take the path of least resistance. Even if that means letting someone else tell you it can't be done, or it's not physically possible. Anything is possible and as long as people stop living the subliminal lie that is indoctrinated into their minds by those who will say anything to weaken your potential. Can any of you even fathom the unlimited possibilities and capabilities of the human mind.....

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:22 PM
The reason they dont intergrade the free energy sources is becuz most of america and the world would go bankrupt thru our stock markets crashing and so forth,

We are Worse then Herion addicts with our Oil, it holds america together finacialy.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:58 PM
But then ask yourself what good is money if you couldn't or even better didn't have to pay for anything. That's the whole idea, the only reason it wouldn't work is because people are very closed minded and taught to think negative. Do you really think we need such luxuries as 52" plasma tvs, and fast food. No, the answer is NO, those are the things you are lead to believe so you live you lives around the thoughts such as "I need this to enjoy life" when the truth is no matter what you have you just want more. So after your first "trophy" you work on another, only to end up replacing that idolized item with another prized possession. In the end when all is said and done, you are still not happy, not happy with your life, not happy with your worldly possessions, and wishing you could go back and change it all but by then it's too late and you've wasted possible potential to be something. That's why it's only every once and a while a great genius comes along, as opposed to where we should actually be with world developments....

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