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Shanksville engine planted by a backhoe bucket? (theory)

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posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Killtown
So they dug up the engine that was deeper in the crater, hoisted it up with the scooper, then dropped it back in the crater only 2 ft below the surface, backed the scooper away from it, brushed all the embedded dirt off of it, took a picture, then scooped it back up with the scooper and took it out?

Wouldn't that be the procedure actually? If you want to take a photo op?

Is that really what you think they did?

Sorry Killtown but yes. You know I'm a truther as yourself but you really need to make some kind of proof before you can state this as fact. Again, no disrespect.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by nick7261I don't think this is true. I use free software called Pixie that will give you the html color for any color shown on the screen, and while there are *tiny* differences, the colors are almost identical. Download Pixie and try it yourself.

Hey Nick, don't bother with these types of posters. They are just desperate cause I figured out how the perps planted that engine.

Usually when one gets attacked like I have on this thread, it means they are right on target.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by GriffWouldn't that be the procedure actually? If you want to take a photo op?

Sorry Killtown but yes. You know I'm a truther as yourself but you really need to make some kind of proof before you can state this as fact. Again, no disrespect.

A photo-op for a planted item, yes.

I don't know why everybody is so hung up on me presenting it "as fact". I'm about to break-out the kleenex for everyone. If people don't like the way I presented it, then change it in your mind as you read it.

Btw, what evidence did I not provide to support my claim?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 12:26 AM

I am surprised you can't see the coherence in what I am asking. You claim the media on mass used special effects to achieve the 9/11 event. So what exactly is your evidence now that any photo is actually a photo of the said event? Your own yardstick is what I am using.

Even in this not related to NEW YORK photo.

Your employing logical inconsistencies that are very apparent and refute your own premise.

You call something 'evidence' when in fact it seems that it is only 'evidence' when it can support what your saying. You haven't even begun to describe or detail what one is expected to believe 'evidence' is!

Yes describe evidence in the vacuum your theory has created. You have no media that can be trusted, yet you use photos to 'point to evidence'. You have no eyewitnesses that can be pointed to, so what exactly is it that you can detail here?

If the media can't be trusted to the degree you say, then why should anyone trust anything you have to say as well?

[edit on 14-6-2007 by talisman]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by talisman
If the media can't be trusted to the degree you say, then why should anyone trust anything you have to say as well?

I could care less if YOU trusted me or not.

Just pretend 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:36 AM

I don't think you get the full "IMPACT" of what I am saying.

You post photos and things, such as the backhoe bucket. Now I believe the backhoe can be referenced. Its just that according to your theory, it really can't. Cause in your theory there is no way of determining what 'IS' and what 'Isn't' on 9/11. Unless of course it suits your theory.

Case in point;


Bethel Assembly of God deacon Stanley Praimnath of Elmont, Long Island. He saw the plane hit the WTC, cause he worked inside the Tower. He also saw a flaming wing in his floor in the aftermath.

Now that is strong eyewitness testimony to be there being a plane that hit one of the Towers.

So I take it according to you he is fake as all the rest are that day who claim similar.

Contrast this with the point you are trying to make here with this thread. What exactly is your point? Are you now claiming this photo is *REAL*? Based on what *EVIDENCE*?


Have you defined "EVIDENCE" yet?

I believe the photo is real, but I can't see how you hold it to be real. In fact I can't see how you hold anything about 9/11 to be real. What if someone turns around and says 'Your Photo is just CGI'?

Its just that you want to talk about 9/11, and I will be happy to. But You have no consistency in your methodology. It is surely lacking. It is arbitrary.

[edit on 14-6-2007 by talisman]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Killtown

Usually when one gets attacked like I have on this thread, it means they are right on target.

Or maybe, just maybe, the people know BOLLOCKS when they see it and comment accordingly.

Again, just maybe...

Sorry, I couldn't leave something as narcissistic and illogical as that statement without comment. That's the equivalent of believing if your spouse gets offended by your accusation of his/her infidelity she MUST BE GUILTY OF IT.

The Salem Witch Trials were judged by the very same lack of reasoning/illogic.


[edit on 6-14-2007 by Springer]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by Springer
Or maybe, just maybe, the people know BOLLOCKS when they see it and comment accordingly.

Man, even the admins here are...

Say, what's so "bollocks" about my claim and evidence? Just another one of those crazy coincidences that makes it look like it was all staged?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by talismanI believe the photo is real, but I can't see how you hold it to be real. In fact I can't see how you hold anything about 9/11 to be real. What if someone turns around and says 'Your Photo is just CGI'?

Its just that you want to talk about 9/11, and I will be happy to. But You have no consistency in your methodology. It is surely lacking. It is arbitrary.


Sorry to hear that.


posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 03:26 AM
This guy is just doin it for the publicity
check his blog out
i dont wanna promote a sick individual that is posting disinfo to gain recognition over the deaths of over 3000 people, i see he has moved his banning awards...
He is an out and out disgrace, and disrespectful to the whole ethos, staff and members of this great site..
Dispicable and deplorable, i will be posting in no more of his threads, as we are just feeding his disgusting habit of trying to benefit of 9/11.

If anyone ever deserved a banning it is this guy.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
This guy is just doin it for the publicity
check his blog out
i dont wanna promote a sick individual that is posting disinfo to gain recognition over the deaths of over 3000 people, i see he has moved his banning awards...
He is an out and out disgrace, and disrespectful to the whole ethos, staff and members of this great site..
Dispicable and deplorable, i will be posting in no more of his threads, as we are just feeding his disgusting habit of trying to benefit of 9/11.

If anyone ever deserved a banning it is this guy.


Sorry to hear that.


posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
i dont wanna promote a sick individual that is posting disinfo to gain recognition over the deaths of over 3000 people, i see he has moved his banning awards...

If you want to do anything for the people that died and their families do some research to find out what really happended that day, that way they will not have died in vein.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:44 AM

[edit on 14-6-2007 by Fowl Play]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
If you want to do anything for the people that died and their families do some research to find out what really happended that day, that way they will not have died in vein.

Indeed. The idea that searching for the truth is "disrespectful" to the dead is nothing more than propaganda quite frankly.. the deceased would want the truth to be known, for their family, and given the importance of 9/11, for the rest of humanity.

"fowl play".. where do i begin with you.. you clearly have no intention of actually wanting to seek the truth, so one has to wander why you signed up to ATS in the first place..

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 05:59 AM
I dispute that.
I am one of the family members, i am a proud ex-serviceman that defended my country and my allies.
Trying to hit my credibility by saying things like that will not wash.
How dare i believe any of the official story?? i must be an evil monster..

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
I dispute that.
I am one of the family members, i am a proud ex-serviceman that defended my country and my allies.
Trying to hit my credibility by saying things like that will not wash.
How dare i believe any of the official story?? i must be an evil monster..

Then why don't you do research to find out what happened? I am a vet also and i now work for the government and support our troops everyday in my job.

Thier is so much information missing or left out of the official story. We do not have half the official reports we should have.

We do not have the videos or photos that were taken.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 07:19 AM
Alright. This thread has, predictably, degenerated into pointless bickering back and forth about who is truthier than thou on all fronts.

I have given warnings, that didn't work. I have posted a "get back on topic" in-thread and out of thread I've posted a thread on the behaviour expected in the 9/11 forums, the administrators of the board have posted a big glowy yellow flashing banner, and I'm now closing the thread.

The next step is getting post-banned, which Killtown has already managed to achieve via Skeptic Overlord, because of repeated disruption, breaking of the TAC, and waging a private war against ATS off-site.

Don't be a Killtown.

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