posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Oh my GOD, i hope we are... then my life hasnt really happened
If the past is but a memory, and the future is only anticipation, we live on an infinitely small point of time throughout our lives that cannot be
subdivided - known as the present.
Therefore, nothing can be real for more than the tinyest fraction of a second - before we inhabit a totally new universe which cannot have been
constructed because there would be no period of 'present' in which to produce it and therefore cannot exist.
Conclusion? The universe as we know it cannot exist but as a series of finite 'frames' of time... rather like frames in a video game.
So yeah, you never know - we could live in a matrix, but who cares? its still fun! You never know, you might get to find out when you die.
(Doesnt unadulterated crap sound cool? That was NOT an urge to suicide, by the way - and my theory is not entirely original, as any Terry Pratchett
fan will know)
Hack the matrix!!!